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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Criminal Justice Quote: A Murder-Suicide in China

     A man armed with a knife killed three children and injured five others in a primary school in China on Monday September 1, 2014, the new school term after the summer holiday. The man was the parent of a former student, and he attacked the children because the school did not let his daughter register for the new term because she had not finished her summer homework…

     The man entered the school in the city of Shiyan, in Hubei Province, saying he had to register his daughter…After the attack, the man killed himself by jumping out a window.

     Violent crime is rare in China compared with many other countries, but there have been a series of attacks on schools and children in recent years.

"Three Children Stabbed to Death in Chinese School," The Sydney Morning Herald, September 1, 2014 

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