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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Criminal Justice Quote: Albuquerque Police Demilitarize--A Little

     In July 2014, the Albuquerque Police Department reported that it doesn't need the massive armored vehicle the city acquired as military surplus…Albuquerque was among numerous agencies across the country that obtained one of these mine-resistant and ambush-protected vehicles that the military procured for the Iraq and Afghan wars.

     A police spokesperson said the department took delivery of the 14-foot-tall, 22.5-ton vehicle in January 2014 but has not used it in the field. (I guess that's because Albuquerque has not been invaded by foreign combat troops.)

     The department has other armored vehicles it can use for SWAT deployments instead of the mine-resistant monster. The department will work with the state to find a new owner for the vehicle. (How about Ukraine?)

"Albuquerque Police to Get Rid of Military Armored Vehicle," Associated Press, July 30, 2014 

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