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Saturday, March 20, 2021

Scenes Best Left Out of Movies

These are common scenes I'd rather not see in a movie: people being tortured; people beating the crap out of each other; bar fights; a couple so hot for sex the minute they enter the room they begin ripping each other's clothes off; dream sequences; the quirky kid running around wearing goggles and a red cape (usually in chick flicks); the knowing nod between manly men in acknowledgement of a manly deed well done; the slow clap; characters brushing their teeth; men urinating; prolonged scenes in pitch darkness; ringing telephones; crying babies; a women who greets a man by jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist; characters with extremely foul mouths, scenes involving the suffering of angst-ridden detectives; and actors who talk so fast you can't understand what they're saying. 


  1. You forgot the joyous dog running over the fields in slow motion... the good-hearted hooker... the bartender or cabbie who listens soooo kindly to your troubles... all those mean nasty aliens... and then there's the l o n g extended chase scenes!

    You DO realize that we've just totally killed an awful lot of movies, right?

    1. Yes, and rightly so. Thanks for the additions.

  2. Oooh, I thought of an old-timey one! The jaded lawman walks into the saloon... as the doors swing behind him all the cowboys there simultaneously turn and give him baleful glares as their hands go to their holsters...

    1. Yes, as a kid watching the old black and white B Westerns, I saw a million of those saloon entrances.
