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Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Sleeping Burglar

     A Florida burglary suspect was facing charges after police found him asleep in the bedroom of a home he was trying to burglarize. The Sarasota County Sheriff's Office said they were responding to a burglary call Monday September 8, 2014 at a residence in Nokomis, Florida when they found Dion Davis, 29, asleep on a bed next to a bag of stolen jewelry. A cleaning lady made the call to authorities after discovering the passed out suspect…

     The sheriff's office posted a photograph of a sleeping Davis on their Facebook page, accusing the suspect of "falling asleep on the job." Davis didn't even wake up when deputies arrived and started taking pictures.

"Florida Burglary Suspect Caught Napping on the Job," CBS News, September 10, 2014 

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