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Friday, January 31, 2014

Criminal Justice Quote: The Suicide and Alleged Rape of a University of Missouri Student

     The University of Missouri is launching an independent investigation into allegations that several football players raped a MU swimmer. That swimmer, 20-year-old Sasha Menue Courey, killed herself three years ago, but a recent report airing on ESPN initiated new calls for an investigation. MU officials are upset with ESPN's report which suggests the University should have done more to investigate these allegations of rape….

     Courey went to the MU psychiatric ward in the spring of 2011 and was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, She told the counselor a football player raped her in February of 2010. And a football friend of hers says he saw video of at least three football players assaulting her….

     Sasha's parents told ESPN they didn't trust MU officials since the university was slow to react to their request for information after their daughter's death.

Matt Stewart, "University of Missouri on the Defense After ESPN Reports Swimmer's Alleged Rape, Suicide," Fox News, January 27, 2014


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