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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Whackademia Quote: Is it Racist for Campus Police to Describe a Black Criminal Subject as African American?

     Administrators at the University of Minnesota have been asked to stop considering race when compiling physical descriptions of crime suspects. A group of minority students and teachers representing the African American and African Studies department, Black Faculty and Staff Association, Black Graduate and Professional Student Association, Black Mens Forum, Black Student Union and Huntley House for African American Males sent a letter to UM President Eric Kaler demanding that campus crime response protocols be reconsidered.

     At issue are the campus crime alerts. When a crime is committed, university authorities release a physical description of the suspect to the campus populace. Since race is an important identifying physical detail, a suspect's ethnicity is included in the alert. The minority groups identified this as a racist practice….

     In addition to no longer including a suspect's race in the crime alerts, the letter also asked for campus police to receive more diversity training….

Robby Soave, "Physical Descriptions of Crime Suspects are Racist, Black Students Claim," The Daily Caller, January 31, 2014 

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