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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Criminal Justice Quote: Retired Tennessee Lawyer Killed by Home Package Bomb

….Bewildered residents in rural Tennessee are grappling with fear and confusion as they try to understand why someone would send a bomb to a neighbor. Retired lawyer John Setzer, 74, died Monday February 10, 2014 after "an unknown package exploded," the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said. Neighbors said the Lebanon, Tennessee blast was so powerful it blew out windows and damaged several rooms of the Setzer's house….On the Setzers' quiet rural street, neighbors were terrified about whether a bomb might arrive in their mailboxes….[If I were conducting the investigation, I would look for disgruntled men whose wives this attorney represented in divorce cases.]

Holly Yan and Dave Alsup, "Package Bomb Kills Retired Lawyer in Tennessee," CNN February 12, 2014  

1 comment:

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