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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Criminal Justice Quote: A New Hampshire Cop Beats Man With Flashlight

     A Salem, New Hampshire police officer was fired for beating a suspect bloody with a flashlight and then taunting him….Officer Joseph Freda is under investigation and could face up to five years in prison for his actions on October 2, 2013.

     Freda was engaged in a high-speed chase with a suspect, Thomas Templeton. After catching Templeton, Freda took out his flashlight and beat the 39-year-old until he was injured and bleeding. According to released documents, Freda then taunted Templeton, saying, "Yeah, I [bleep] hit you." He also stepped on Templeton's cuffed hands….So far Freda has been charged with two counts of simple assault….

Robby Soave, "Cops Beat Suspect with Flashlight, says 'Yeah, I [Bleep] Hit You," The Daily Caller, January 24, 2014

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