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Monday, January 13, 2014

Hellementary Education Quote: Decriminalizing Noncriminal School Behavior

     Schoolchildren in Oklahoma could not be punished for chewing their breakfast pastries into the shape of a gun under a bill introduced [in January 2014] by a Republican legislator. Representative Sally Kern said that her measure dubbed the Common Sense Zero Tolerant Act was in response to school districts having policies that are too struck or inflexible. Kern cited a recent Maryland case that gained national media attention where a boy was suspended after his teacher accused him of chewing his Pot Tart into the shape of a gun….

     Under Kern's bill, students couldn't be punished for possessing small toy weapons or using writing utensils, fingers, or their hands to simulate a weapon. Students also couldn't be punished for drawing pictures of weapons or wearing clothes that "support or advance Second Amendment rights or organizations."

Fox News, January 10, 2014


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