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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Criminal Justice Quote: Say Goodbye Rape Murderer Dennis McGuire

     Dennis McGuire, 53, whose arguments that the new lethal injection protocol could cause terror and agony [like that of his victim] were rejected by a federal judge, was pronounced dead at 10:53 AM on January 14, 2014. Ohio adopted the new protocol--a combination of the sedative midozolam and the painkiller hydropmorphone--after the manufacturer of the old drug, pentobarbital, stopped selling it for lethal injections.

     McGuire was convicted of raping, sodomizing and slashing the throat of an acquaintance Joy Stewart, who was eight months pregnant at the time of her murder in 1989….

     McGuire was…given a last meal of roast beef, toasted bagel with cream cheese and onion, butter pecan ice cream, fried chicken, potato salad, fried potatoes with onion an Coco-Cola.

     [Because it took the executioner 25 minutes to kill McGuire, his family has filed as unusual punishment lawsuit against the state of Ohio. At least Mr. McGuire was sent off with a full stomach.]

Tracy Connor, "Ohio Killer Executed With Untested Two-Drug Cocktail," NBC News, January 16, 2014

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