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Friday, July 4, 2014

Hellementary Education Quote: Pop-Tart Case Suspension Upheld

     On June 26, 2014, a hearing examiner in Annapolis, Maryland affirmed the suspension of the boy who chewed his breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun…The examiner, Andrew Nussbaum, supported the principal's assertion that the suspension was based on a history of problems, not the pastry episode…

   The incident took place in 2013 when the Anne Arundel County boy was 7-years-old. The case happened during a time of increased sensitivity to guns after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. [Some would exchange the word "sensitivity" with "hysteria."] The boy's punishment was one of several area suspensions involving imaginary or toy guns. [The imaginary ones are the most dangerous because you can't see them.]

"Ruling Goes Against Maryland Boy in the 'Pop-Tart Case,' " Associated Press, July 1, 2014

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