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Saturday, May 9, 2020

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio: The Criminal's Best Friend

     On April 2, 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, while New Yorkers were bring told to stay at home, the mayor of New York City released 2,000 jail inmates onto the already dangerous streets of the city. James Little was one of the criminals turned loose that day.

     On March 3, 2000, New York City police officers had taken 41-year-old James Little into custody for allegedly beating and choking his girlfriend in her Brooklyn home. Little, a man with an impressive criminal history, had been convicted in 1995 of murder. He served several years behind bars for that offense, then was released on parole.

     Before being released from Riker's Island on April 2, James Little had tested positive for the coronavirus. Instead of being isolated and treated in jail, Bill de Blasio's corrections authorities, unwilling to risk the health of jail personnel and other inmates, risked the health of law abiding citizens by releasing this man from custody.

     On April 7, 2020, New York City police officers arrested James Little for attempting to rob a bank in lower Manhattan.

     On April 15, 2020, city corrections authorities released, from Riker's Island, 57-year-old Robert Pondexter. Mr. Pondexter had served three separate prison sentences for armed robbery, and was cooling his heels in Riker's Island on a parole violation.

     In December 2019, Pondexter allegedly raped his crack dealer after going to her apartment to score drugs. The prosecution had to drop the case when the alleged victim refused to cooperate with the authorities.

    On April 25, 2020, just ten days after being released from Riker's Island due to the pandemic, Robert Pondexter struck again. At five-thirty that afternoon, while walking across the street from his supportive housing development apartment in the East Flatbush section of Brooklyn, Pondexter encountered a 58-year-old woman he did not know. Pondexter grabbed the victim and said, "What can you do for me? I want money. I'm going to rape you."

    After accosting the victim, Pondexter pulled her into a school parking lot, choked her, and forced her to perform oral sex. Before he could rape her, she managed to push him away with her legs and  escape. She called 911.

     Shortly after the sexual assault, New York Police officers arrested Robert Pondexter near the scene of the crime. He was in possession of crack cocaine. The woman he had attacked was transported to a nearby hospital where she was treated and released.

     A Brooklyn prosecutor charged Robert Pondexter with attempted rape, committing a sex act, forcible touching, and drug possession. (He could have been charged with kidnapping as well.)

     Given the unnecessary release of jail inmates, as well as other boneheaded law enforcement policies under the de Blasio administration, one wonders why the people of New York voted such a clown into public office. Surely, in a city of eight million, they could do better than de Blasio. It's also mind boggling that de Blasio thought he could become a viable democrat candidate for president of the United States. At least he was quickly laughed off that stage.

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