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Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Juan Elias Garcia MS-13 Gang Double Murder Case

     In 2010, 17-year-old Juan Elias Garcia, a resident of the Long Island community of Central Islip, New York, belonged to the street gang MS-13, also known as the Mara Salvatrucha Gang. This violent, criminal organization, with ties to several Mexican drug cartels, had a strong presence on Long Island with more than a dozen chapters. The gang also flourished in other areas of the U.S. with substantial Salvadoran populations such as in southern California, Washington, D.C. and northern Virginia.

     The five-foot-four inch Garcia, nicknamed "Cruzito," dated 19-year-old Vanessa Argueta. A problem developed in their relationship when Garcia learned she had ties to two rival gangs, the Latin Kings and the 18th Street Gang. Pursuant to gang culture, Argueta's association with the rival groups amounted to "disrespecting" MS-13.

     To save face, Juan Garcia acquired permission from a gang leader named Heriberto Martinez to have his girlfriend murdered.

     On February 4, 2010, Garcia, as part of the murder plot, invited Argueta to dinner in Central Islip. She accepted his invitation and arrived with her 2-year-old son. From their meeting place, Garcia forced Argueta and the boy to accompany him to a nearby wooded area where they were met by a pair of gang assassins, Rene Mendez Meja and Adalberto Ariel Guzman.

     Meja shot the mother to death in front of her son, then, as the boy cried in terror, shot him in the head as well. The bodies were discovered the next day. To avoid arrest, Garcia fled to El Salvador.

     In 2012, Heriberto Martinez, the gangster who sanctioned the murder, was convicted for his role in the assassinations. The judge sentenced him to life plus 60 years. A year later, Meja and Guzman were found guilty of murder and conspiracy to commit murder. They each received the same sentence.

     Juan Garcia, the gang member behind the killings, remained at large in Central America.

     In February, 2014, one day after the fugitive turned twenty-one, a federal grand jury sitting in Central Islip indicted the fugitive Garcia for murder and conspiracy to commit murder. The FBI, on March 26, 2014, placed Garcia on its Top Ten Most Wanted List. Two days later, Garcia turned himself in to law enforcement authorities in Nicaragua. After being briefly detained at the U.S. Embassy in Managua, FBI agents took Garcia into custody. He was immediately extradited to America.

     A U.S. District Court judge, on March 31, 2014, ordered Garcia held without bail. Speaking through an interpreter, the suspect entered a not guilty plea.

     In October 2014, Garcia changed his plea to guilty. The judge sentenced him to life in prison without the possibility of parole. (In researching this story, I could find no mention in the press regarding whether or not these cold-blooded killers were in this country illegally.)

     In May 2018, in referring to the growing incidents of MS-13 brutality in the United States, President Donald Trump called these sadistic rapists and murderers "animals." Trump's sob-sister adversaries in politics and the media immediately criticized this characterization as inhuman and cruel. What's inhumane and cruel is the fact that government authorities had allowed these gangs of illegal aliens to flourish in the United States.

     Suffolk County (Long Island) District Attorney Timothy Sini, in December 2019, announced that as a result of a two-year investigation, his office had charged and arrested 96 MS-13 gang members for a variety of crimes including murder, robbery, kidnapping, rape, and aggravated assault.


  1. Members of Racial Biased Hate Motivated Organized Supremacist Group members, associates and Racist Extremist Supremacist Group Gang Members the family committing crimes including racketeering conspiracy, murder conspiracy, attempted murder, bank fraud,and homicidal assault with a deadly weapon offenses crimes committed from October 9, 1998 to current in multiple states.Claude Smith III, Don Smith murdered, Raymond Austin Charles Kinchelow Jr Indianapolis Indiana conspired to defraud financial institutions between October 1998 to current , and that they participated in schemes to defraud Bank of America, Citibank, SunTrust Mortgage, and NBC Bank. The schemes involved numerous transactions and elsewhere and, conservatively, caused losses in excess of $500,000. In each instance the scheme began with a member or associate Claude Smith III Raymond Austin Joshua Austin V Esther Caldwell—including Eight Trey members Charles Austin Kinchelow , Shelby County Tenn was founded by Charles Kinchelow Sr. , Claude Smith II Athey Harper, Sylvia Campbell, Jessie Jones. This gang has become not only active in California but Tennessee Chicago as well. The Family members are very influential within the the justice system and are known to recruit correction facility staff to aid them in their Murders and attempted murders and illegal activities.
    > > > >
    > > > > Successors associates and current racist gang members are: Georgia Denton, Ronald Glenn Taylor, Mark Austin,Attoinette Alexander, Tosha Jones, Tami Little, Ann Jones, Veronica Cobb, Verna McGhee, Gwendolyn Regina Taylor, Lorraine Taylor Robinson, Antoinette Neely, Brittany Neely, Harold Austin Carla Hill Marshall, Pookie Kinchelow Mary Kinchelow Elaine Rankin, Marcus Payne and Girlfriend, Lillie Bell Chatman, Denitra Chatman, Erick Chatman, Anthony McGhee, Anthony Chatman,Humphrey Moore Jr and Girlfriend, Glenn Harper, Willie Braddock Jr, Doris Little, Dave Wilburn,Shea, Ira Morgan, Robbie Moore, Lisa Moore Edwards, Vickie Marshall, Charles Kinchelow Jr and III, Jamberlyn Voss, Jamberlyn Voss, Georgia Denton, Doris Little, Tosha Jones, Milton Owens, Charles Kinchelow III, Terrance Owens , Charles Owens Jr, Ira Morgan, Shea , Brighette Taylor, Deidra Austin, Tami Little, Terri Little ,Charles Austin , a dark complexion woman named Liz, Emma Jean Rankin, Joseph Smith, Humphrey Moore Sr, Vanessa Taylor, Darlena Austin Campbell, Joshua Austin Vicksburg Miss Sheila Smith Sheila Austin, Tasha Presley, Kiesha Presley,Tiffany Presley, Shereta Royal, Frenchie Louellen, Ira Morgan, Don Smith murdered, Joseph Smith, Sheila Smith, Alandrous Williams, Elaine Rankin, Emma Jean Rankin, Claude Smith III, Jamberlyn Voss, Anthony McGhee, Verna McGhee, Gwendolyn McGhee, Trina Johnson, Pangy Kinchelow, Shebaby Kinchelow, Mary Kinchelow, Pookie Kinchelow, Detriesse Denton Tami Little Tosha Jones Demetria Denton Terri Little Ann Jones Sean Jones Gwendolyn Regina Taylor and nephews Torie Harper Willie Braddock Jr Glenn Harper Dave Wilburn Ramone Austin Deidra Austin Casey Austin Phillip Martin Teri Martin Don Smith Claude Smith III Michelle Martin Dee Chatman Anthony McGhee, Anthony Chatman,Humphrey Moore Jr and Girlfriend, Willie Braddock Jr, Doris Little, Dave Wilburn,Shea, Ira Morgan, Robbie Moore, Lisa Moore Edwards, Vickie Marshall, Charles Kinchelow Jr and III, Jamberlyn Voss, Jamberlyn Voss, Doris Little, Tosha Jones, Milton Owens, Terrance Owens , Charles Owens Jr, Ira Morgan, Shea , Brighette Taylor, Deidra Austin, Tami Little, Terri Little ,Charles Austin , a dark complexion woman named Liz, Emma Jean Rankin, Joseph Smith, Humphrey Moore Sr, Vanessa Taylor, Darlena Austin Campbell, Joshua Austin Vicksburg Miss Sheila Smith Sheila Austin, Tasha Presley, Kiesha Presley, Tiffany Presley, Shereta Royal, Frenchie Louellen, Ira Morgan each Supremacist Group Gang members residing in different states. Led by Joshua Austin Vicksburg Miss “Raymond Austin Memphis Tennessee vicious who states to the MS-13 mierda seca fu stinking mfs

    rivial gang: MS-13

  2. Of course they were here illegally. Silly Jim...

  3. OK Everyone commenting, including you Jim, how should it be dealt with? I see an awful lot of condemnation (as it should be) but calling these people "animals" and "Of course they were here illegally. Silly Jim" does exactly zero, nothing, nada not a bit to resolve the problem! Not an American but close enough to see the devastation and no one ever has a clue how to deal with it!
    1. Do you shoot them in the street?
    2. How do you actually find them?
    3. Send them back? And how long do you think it will take before they're back?
    4. Throw them in jail? Who pays for that?

    So aside from the fact that you call them names and insist they are ALL illegal,which is ludicrous on every level, exactly what is your solution? Anyone?
