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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Most Criminals: Evil Geniuses or Just Stupid?

     In the world of noir fiction, criminals are routinely portrayed as brilliant masterminds who cleverly plot mayhem while engaging the police in suspenseful cat-and-mouse games. But for every Joker or Hannibal Lector that appears on the silver screen, there are scores of criminals in the real world who show stunningly poor judgment: getting their crimes tattooed on their bodies, writing "fictional" books detailing murders they've committed, or turning their own wanted posters into profile pictures on Facebook...

     ...If you go to prison looking for evil geniuses, you're going to be frustrated. Most people in prison are bad at life, and most are bad at crime. There's a lot of reasons someone will do something stupid. One of the reasons is: They are stupid.

Adam Janos, "Real Crime," A&E, May 25, 2018

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