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Friday, February 18, 2022

Violence and Mental Illness

It is possible to argue that some people are violent and mentally ill, but it is no longer defensible to argue that people are violent because they are mentally ill.

Richard Rhodes, Why They Kill, 1998

1 comment:

  1. To say that mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders is not the cause for criminal behaviors is too broad.

    Short answer is that most mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders is not the cause for criminal behaviors, but long answer is that mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders is the cause for criminal behaviors, but it depends on what mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders we are talking about.

    The problem is that there are a lot of mental health and neurodevelopental disorders and each mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders are not the same to each other.

    Statistically, most people with mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders are more likely to be victims than being perpetrators. There are however small-subgroup of people with mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders that commit crimes.

    There are however some mental disorders that is related to criminal behaviors, it includes specific command hallucinations, specific delusions of paranoid and grandiose themes, and Erotomania, specific pathological jealousy , but criminal behaviors is more related to Distributive, Impulsive Control and Conduct Disorders, especially Antisocial Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and specific Paraphilic Disorders. About Bipolar Disorder, criminal behaviors is more associated with Distributive, Impulsive Control and Conduct Disorders, and specific Paraphilic Disorders. Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder includes impulsively and risky behaviors.

    About Communication Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder, criminal behaviors in Communication Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder is mostly related to lack of social skills, not out of maliciousness or sadism.












