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Monday, October 6, 2014

Criminal Justice Quote: Naked and Disorderly in Atlanta

     Atlanta police responded to a naked man acting erratically at an Atlanta airport gate. To subdue the man the officers had to shock him with a Taser. The naked 23-year-old man was at a Delta gate in the A Concourse of the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport Thursday morning October 2, 2014. When the officers tried to calm this man down he kept yelling and resisting their attempts to take him into custody.

     The disturbed man was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital for medical observation. The authorities charged him with disorderly conduct. [Naked men in public behaving badly are usually schizophrenic or on bath salts or meth.]

Naked Man Shot with Taser at Airport, Fox News, October 2, 2014 

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