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Saturday, October 4, 2014

CJ Quote: Meth on Wheels

     Seventeen people in Denver have been indicted for their involvement in a drug ring where the defendants are accused of selling and distributing methamphetamine. One of the subjects is accused of selling meth out of a taco trailer. "The brazenness of this ring was astounding," Attorney General John Suthers said. "For example, customers could literally walk up to a food trailer and order a side of meth with their taco."

     Juan Carlos Gonzales, 37, is accused of leading the Gonzales Drug Trafficking Organization. According to the indictment, Gonzales coordinated with others to import meth and cocaine from Mexico into California for delivery in Colorado. Oscar Ruvalcaba, 28, is accused of being the "load car" driver who brought the drugs into Colorado and delivered them to Gonzales. In August 2014 the authorities seized 55 pounds of meth from Ruvalcaba's car--some of which was hidden in the floor of a red Mini Cooper…

     When Gonzales received the drugs…he would distribute them to his aunts--as well as others in the ring--for sale. One member of the ring, identified as Maria Areliano, 39, is accused of selling meth out of  her taco trailer in the area of 8th Avenue and Federal Boulevard. The taco trailer transactions involved code words indicating what amount of meth would be needed. "In this case, we heard language like, 'six pack' and 'yellow cups' to set up their transactions," Deputy Attorney General Matthew Durkin said….

"Attorney General: Food Truck Sells Tacos With 'A Side of Meth'", KUSA News, September 23, 2014 

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