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Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Love-Triangle Assault Case

     Lisa Nolan, after she and her husband Thomas separated in April 2014, began dating Nicholas Peterson, a 34-year-old friend of the family. Lisa's new relationship angered Thomas Nolan. Moreover, the 39-year-old estranged husband became irritated every time Lisa called him up and asked for a lift in his car.

     On July 3, 2014, in Longview, Washington, a town of 36,000 in the southwestern corner of the state, Lisa phoned Thomas and asked if he would pick her up at the courthouse. She had just finished jury duty and needed a ride to work. Thomas reluctantly agreed to give her a lift.

     As Lisa and Thomas headed toward their destination in his black 1996 Ford Explorer, Thomas spotted his wife's lover standing on the sidewalk. "I have to run somebody over," he said.

     With his estranged wife looking on in horror, Thomas gunned the SUV. The bulky vehicle jumped the curb and rolled over Nicholas Peterson. Thomas pulled to a stop, jumped out the car and fled the scene while Lisa called 911.

     An ambulance crew rushed the 34-year-old victim to a hospital in Longview. Later that evening a doctor discharged Peterson. The victim had escaped the vehicular assault with only cuts, bruises and a broken foot.

     When police officers took Thomas Nolan into custody he admitted that the day before he had been smoking methamphetamine. Officers booked him into the Cowlitz County Jail on charges of first-degree assault. The judge set his bond at $100,000.

     To reporters on the day of the incident, Lisa Thomas, in referring to her estranged husband said, "He's not usually like this." 

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