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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Criminal Justice Quote: Pennsylvania State Police Accused of Sex Discrimination in Hiring

     Saying that the physical fitness tests that the Pennsylvania State Police use to identify entry-level candidates are not job-related, the U.S. Department of Justice sued the agency for sex discrimination since more men pass that tests than women…At issue are the state agency's 2003 and 2009 physical fitness tests that are one of eight criteria used to choose entry-level state troopers.

     The 2003 test had five events--a 300-meter run, sit-ups, push-ups, a vertical jump, and one-and-a-half mile run. To become a cadet, applicants had to pass each event. Between 2003 and 2008, 94 percent of male test-takers and 71 percent of female test-takers passed all five events.

     In the new test implemented in 2009, pass rates rose for both groups. Ninety-eight percent of male test-takers and 72 percent of female test-takers passed the exam. The Department of Justice claims that these results indicate gender discrimination….

Chuck Ross, "Obama Administration Suing Pennsylvania State Police Over Physical Fitness Tests," The Daily Caller, July 30, 2014  

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