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Saturday, March 4, 2023

The Myth of Governmental Transparency

     There is nothing more ludicrous than a politician, standing in front of a television camera with a straight face, telling citizens that our government is transparent. By transparent, meaning open and honest in the way it operates in our best interest. That, of course, is pure baloney. Government, on all levels and across the board, is secretive. It is in the nature of the beast, and for good reason. If the public ever fully discovered what our "public servants" are really up to, there would be much less government. Because a large segment of our media has been corrupted by big government this is not likely to happen.

     In many ways, the government functions a lot like organized crime. Government protects itself through a code of silence, whistleblower intimidation, perjury, evidence tampering and the shielding of the leaders from criminal culpability. And like soldiers in the Mafia, most government employees are in for life. To expose the government, investigators would have to rely on the same tactics the FBI used on the Mafia. Problem is, the FBI is government, and is part of the problem.

     Anyone who trusts the government and accepts as truth what politicians and bureaucrats tell us is either a fool or an idiot. There may come a time when the public does figure out what's going on in government, but by then it may be too late to do anything about it.

     Government agencies, to maintain their authority and to grow, need to operate in secret. It's a matter of institutional survival. As far as most politicians and bureaucrats are concerned, the public has no right to know anything. We are told by our government leaders that it is our job to trust them. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, citizens should never trust government again. 


  1. Wow, I will spend time chewing on this for sure.
    I so want to believe that there are some people in all agencies mentioned that we can trust. Actually, I do in fact believe that to be true.
    I also believe that, as in all agencies, there are those people we cannot trust.
    However your post encourages me think about this more, and free thinking is what I value. I don't think I am an idiot though! I hope not!
    I really do believe that corruption exists everywhere, but in saying that, I also believe people with pure motives also walk in all of these agencies.
    I am guessing you were one of those people. I am guessing that you were doing the work you did out of honest passion for the truth.

  2. There are, of course, honest and decent people working in our government. But if they report what they see and know, they will lose their jobs and have their careers ruined. So they go along because they are completely dependent upon the government. Everyone who works for the government knows that whistleblowers are crushed. Most people, with families to support, can't afford to be heroes. Thank you for your comment.

    1. You are absolutely right about that, from my personal experience, over many years with exactly what you said. And being crushed, more than once, more than twice! No place in particular. And not everywhere for sure. I was only able to move on, when I did so, because of two incomes in the family. The life savers at those work places were people like yourself who I would gather close and do the job that we knew was right. Wish I would have known of a different way. (*This is not about any place in particular as I have worked in many venues over the past 25 years.) Love your honesty! :-)

  3. We need to always be vigilant and instill common sense in our parenting. Too many weak souls inhabit our world today and they make it easy for evil to infiltrate. Those of us with older wiser souls need to spread our wisdom and empower through strong prayer if we have no other means to defeat this evil.
