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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

More SWAT Madness

Budapest, Hungary

   A few days ago, in Budapest, Hungary, a SWAT team raided a warehouse near the airport and seized eighty-five fully-functional military-type assault rifles. The assault weapons had been flown into the country for a zombie movie being produced by Brad Pitt called "World War Z." In justifying the raid, Hungary's anti-terrorism Unit Director said the shipping documents falsely listed the weapons as non-functional.

     Now that Hungary has reduced the threat ot terrorism, what are they doing about the zombies?

Dickson, Tennessee

     Officers from several states spent a week of high intensity SWAT training in central Tennessee. The training camp, funded by Homeland Security, included sharp shooting and dealing with hostage and standoff situations. An officer from Hickman County, Tennessee told a local reporter that his SWAT team stayed "surprisingly" busy. (I'm not surprised.) The officer reportedly said this: "We have been on several calls where you may just be trying to serve a civil paper on somebody...." So, in Hickman County, if you forclose on your house, or owe back taxes, or are issued a summons because of your barking dog, expect a raid by federally trained SWAT team.  

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