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Thursday, October 14, 2021

"Petty" Crime and the Quality of Life

A bored kid smashes your rural mailbox with a baseball bat. A careless woman at the supermarket lets her grocery cart roll into your car. Someone swipes a chair from your front porch. Thanks to a drive-by thief, your newspaper is not in its box. A neighbor's dog leaves a pile of himself on your freshly cut yard. You receive ten calls a day from con artists trying to get into your bank account. On the way to work you step around a drug addict passed out on the sidewalk. You can't sleep because the people living above you host loud parties (and fill your apartment with the smell of pot). If these are crimes at all, they're considered petty. Petty crimes. They are only petty, however, if they happen to someone else. In the American criminal justice system, the "petty crime" victim's perspective is all but ignored.

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