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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hellementary Education Quote: Middle School Students Hear Gym Teacher Recall His First Erection

     A northern California gym teacher is facing the wrath of angry parents after they discovered that he took it upon himself to teach his eighth-grade charges his very own version of the birds and the bees without parental permission. The unnamed gym teacher works at Morada Middle School in Morada, California, a speck of a town just outside of Stockton….Parents say his sex syllabus went way beyond the parameters of what is appropriate for junior high physical education coursework.

     "Come to find out, he also told the class when he got his first boner, which was very inappropriate, which is what made my daughter really uncomfortable," an anonymous parent reported. "That's not something she wanted to hear," the furious mother added….

     School district officials have placed the unidentified gym teacher on administrative leave. It's not clear if the leave is paid or unpaid….

Eric Owens, "Gym Teacher Designs His Own 'Sex Ed' Course, Tells Eighth Graders About His First Boner," The Daily Caller, April 3, 2014


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