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Friday, July 19, 2019

Thornton P. Knowles On Cable News Anonymous

I was a TV news junkie and had to break the habit to regain my sanity. Since most TV news is bad, watching it all the time makes you angry, frightened, and eventually depressed. A constant diet of floods, fires, car wrecks, crime, war, earthquakes, mudslides, tornados, hurricanes, plagues, stock market crashes, third world poverty, government corruption and stunning political stupidity eventually produces, even among viewers who have relatively good lives, chronic anxiety. Taking in too much political news, given the idiots running our country and the morons who talk about them on TV, makes one extremely cynical and pessimistic. I've also sworn off social media. Although I can't say I'm happy now, I am at least not suicidal. I'm thinking of forming a support group for recovering news junkies called Cable News Anonymous.

Thornton P. Knowles

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