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Friday, July 9, 2021

Be Skeptical of the Journalist

While journalists are good at dishing it out, they really can't take it themselves. Renata Adler put it this way: "Photographers don't like to be photographed. Surgeons require nearly twice the amount of anesthesia ordinary patients require to undergo surgery. Journalists are the least receptive to professional scrutiny by their colleagues. They react, sometimes unconsciously, sometimes with the utmost deliberation, to avenge themselves." The power of the pen, combined with arrogance, often leads to abuse. We need to keep a close eye on these people. Like so many politicians and government bureaucrats, journalists often abuse their power to destroy lives. Many of them cannot be trusted. Journalists, like their governmental counterparts, are not good at policing themselves. Beware of the journalist, many are nothing more than hyper ambitious government toadies--political hacks in disguise.

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