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Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thornton P. Knowles On The Pursuit Of Happiness

The blind West Virginia poet and short story writer, Snazzy Toy-Toy, once wrote that pursing happiness, an emotion that in reality doesn't exist, was as futile as a blind man trying to image a rainbow. As someone who has never experienced what people call happiness, I agree with Mr. Toy-Toy. I think that a lot of despair, an emotion I do believe in, comes from the hopeless pursuit of a nonexistent emotion. If you want to be happy about something, be happy you're not sad. That's about as good as it gets.

Thornton P. Knowles


  1. Happiness is one of those things that comes bubbling up... But all too soon it goes flat. So I learned to settle for an occasional moderate feeling of contentment.

  2. Sounds like a solid analysis to me.

  3. I'm often happy. It's too bad Mr. Knowles never experienced it.

  4. Maybe Mr. Knowles just didn't pursue it hard enough. (He died in 1998.)

  5. Perhaps Mr. Knowles experienced happiness and never realized it.
