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Thursday, December 28, 2023

What Happened to Kristi Richardson?

     In 1979 Ronald Richardson and his wife Kristi started the Richardson Trucking Company, a Casper, Wyoming business that specialized in the transportation of oil and gas industry equipment.

     On April 29, 2013 Ronald Richardson, at age 63, died. Kristi, his 60-year-old widow took control of the company. She resided in an affluent suburb of Casper, a city of 55,000 in the central part of the state that had become the center of a booming oil and gas industry that had brought crime and violence to a community with a traditionally low crime rate.

     Late in the afternoon of October 6, 2014 Kristi Richardson drove to her daughter Amber's house a block from her residence to drop off a birthday card and visit her grandchildren. At seven-forty that evening she took a routine call from one of her drivers. The next call, one made to Kristi's cellphone at eleven that night, went unanswered.

     The next morning when Kristi Richardson didn't show up for work at the trucking company, an employee called the house. When no one picked up the phone the employee notified the owner's daughter.

     Because all of the doors were locked at Kristi's house, her daughter gained entry into the dwelling by using a garage door opener. Kristi's car sat in the garage and her purse, containing her credit cards and $800 in cash, lay on the kitchen counter.

     In the bedroom Amber found her mother's cellphone lying on the bed. The only items missing from the home were Kristi's garage door opener and a hoodie she regularly wore. The daughter reported her mother missing to the Casper Police Department.

     Over the next several days officers with the Casper Police Department, Natrona County Sheriff's Office, fire and EMS personnel and citizen volunteers searched for the missing woman. The authorities used a helicopter to search parts of Casper Mountain.

     Members of Kristi's family who believed she had been the victim of foul play because she never left the house without her car, posted a $25,000 reward for information regarding her disappearance and whereabouts. Kristi's daughter told a reporter that "I believe someone was at the house before she got home."

     The Casper Star Tribune reported that crime scene investigators had found traces of blood and urine on the missing woman's bed. Detectives were looking into the possibility that Kristi had been abducted and murdered by either an employee, customer or business competitor.

     On May 5, 2017, with Kristi Richardson still missing and no arrests in the case, the mayor fired Casper Chief of Police Jim Wetzel. Reporters covering the case believed there might have been a police cover-up regarding a locally influential person of interest. On May 18, 2017, interim Chief of Police Steve Schultz turned the Richardson investigation over to the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation.

     As of this writing Kristi Richardson remains missing and no arrests have been made. The missing woman's family has offered a $250.000 reward for information regarding her disappearance.


  1. Was there DNA recovered from this woman's bed?

  2. It's rumored she was having an affair with Neil McMurray it's also rumored he did not commit suicide he was murdered too

  3. I also heard the above aswel as the only camera on the mcmurry property that could have showed what happen tbe night Neil mcmurry died was not working.... also mrs. Mcmurry head every hard drive in the entire company changed...... also ther mrs mcmurry lives in now was KRISTY RICHARDSONS

  4. Extensive follow-up info. available on the FB Site listed below that pertains to the following enclosed paragraph below copies & pasted from Jim Fisher's excellent article titled "What happen To Kristi Richardson?

    "On May 5, 2017, with Kristi Richardson still missing and no arrests in the case, the mayor fired Casper Chief of Police Jim Wetzel. Reporters covering the case believed there might have been a police cover-up regarding the locally influential person of interest. On May 18, 2017, interim Chief of Police Steve Schultz turned the Richardson investigation over to the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation."

    "Citizen League of Wyoming" FB Site


  5. Truck driver Bud Boyles was cleared years back of all allegations and implications he was accused of by one single solitary female individual in the disappearance of Kris Richardson after it was allegedly proved via handwriting comparison analysis of the letters that Amber / Richardson / Fazio found in one of Kris's office files proved to not have been written in his hand writing. Imagine that.

    Sadly he was harassed severely to the max after he was thrown under the bus by being accused of being the lead suspect in Kris's disappearance and has subsequently moved many miles away from Casper.

    Even more sad is that he also had to shut his once successful trucking business down due to the loss of business suffered from what now appears to have been nothing more than possible fabricated allegations.

    After better than seven (7) years if the CPD thought he was guilty it's a no brainier to figure-out that they would have charged him long ago. Furthermore, the Wyoming DCI didn't even to bother to waste their time to interview Boyes after the CPD turned over Richardson's investigation to the DCI in May of 2017.

  6. "Major Breakthrough & Huge Leads" received via email on 11/24/21 from a person named "Whitin T. Famile", all very relevant & highly pertinent to this very high-profile & highly questionable Missing Person Case yet to be solved of the wealthy eastside Casper woman who mysteriously disappeared in early October of 2014.

    To learn all the core shaking & shocking associated details thereof read "Whitin T. Famile's" email posted by a man by the name of "Twas Thair" on the Facebook site "Citizen League of Wyoming"

    All but four (4) names in "Whiten T. Famile" email have been changed to protect all other referenced party's well-being and personal safety. The four names not changed are all former Officers with The Casper Police Department.

    Listed below are two very bone-chilling statements that "Within T. Famile" that has made that are contained in his email:

    "I having been asking myself for over 7 very long agonizing years now if there was indeed motive for murder and if so, then was it has it been murder for hire that has hence driven and enabled the silence & muteness all reinforced to do so out of extreme fear being applied thereafter. I will fear no longer nor carry the burden of guilt to harbor all the known ugly secrets that have enabled the massive cover-ups that have affected so many innocent people, thus my disclosure today allowing me to now cleanse my conscience and bring long overdue closure to finally put this terrible nightmare to bed & move on."

    "Sadly, it allegedly appears that a miserably failed extortion attempt to try and obtain a significant amount of desperately needed cash led to very extreme vindicative retaliatory actions taken by the extortionist sharing with an unsuspecting third party that her husband, Mr. Rich was indeed a very close friend, financial supporter, security service provider & extremely close confidant of her mother all of which triggered probable murder for hire not once but twice all fueled solely by total scorn & malice."

    I close by expressing a huge thanks and monumental token of sincere apperception to "Mr. Jim Fisher" for calling national attention to Sweet Kriti's case and for allowing this platform for post these horrific breakthrough anonymous comments to be shared worldwide in hopes that these two cases will finally gather the long overdue attention of the FBI for them step-in and break these two cases wide open and solve them appropriately and also expose all the major CPD & DCI corruption that has facilitated, enabled and harbored all the terrible cover-ups in both cases.

    1. One of these involved ex police officers is now the mayor...
