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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Dr. Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo: The Case of the Poisoned Coffee

     Dr. Ana Maria Gonzales-Angulo and her colleague (and lover) Dr. George Blumenschein were on the staff at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Dr. Gonzales-Angulo, a breast cancer oncologist attended medical school at the University of Cauca in Colombia, completed her residency in Internal Medicine at the Mount Sinai Medical center in Miami then finished her training at the University of Texas Medical School. She had been with the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center since 2003. Dr. Blumenschein graduated from Vanderbilt University and the University of Texas Medical School. As a specialist in lung, heart and neck cancers he had been on the cancer center staff since 2000.

     On May 29, 2013 a prosecutor in the Harris County District Attorney's Office, based upon information received from investigators with the University of Texas Police Department, charged Dr. Gonzales-Angulo with aggravated assault. The doctor stood accused of poisoning Dr. Blumenschein's coffee with ethylene glycol, a chemical used in antifreeze and medical research.

     According to the criminal complaint, the poisoning took place in Dr. Gonzales-Angulo's Houston apartment. Dr. Blumenschein, after sipping a cup of coffee made by Dr. Gonzales-Angulo complained of its sweet taste. Dr. Gonzales-Angulo allegedly informed him that she had added Splenda to his drink and urged him to finish it. After drinking a second cup of Dr. Gonzales-Angulo's coffee that evening Dr. Blumenschein began slurring his speech.

     Sixteen hours after drinking the two cups of coffee paramedics rushed Dr. Blumenschein to a nearby emergency room where doctors diagnosed him with central nervous system damage, cardiopulmonary problems and renal (kidney) failure. (The doctor would subsequently undergo dialysis treatment.)

     Three toxicological tests of Dr. Blumenschein's urine revealed the presence of crystals consistent with ethylene glycol poisoning. (By the time the toxicological analysis took place the ethylene glycol had been metabolized.)

     Police officers booked Dr. Gonzales-Angulo into the Harris County Jail on May 30, 2013. Shortly thereafter she posted her $50,000 bond and was released. Officials at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center placed the doctor on administrative leave. Her attorney, Derek Hollingsworth, told reporters that his client "is completely innocent. She is a distinguished citizen and scientist," he said, "and these allegations are totally inconsistent with her personal and professional life."

     In September 2013 a Harris County Grand Jury indicted Dr. Gonzales-Angulo on one count of aggravated assault.

     At the September 2014 Gonzales-Angulo trial the assistant district attorney put on 22 witnesses. One of these witnesses included a man who said the defendant, just weeks before Dr. Blumenschein's poisoning, had boasted of having killed others in her native Colombia. The prosecutor, in referring to Dr. Gonzales-Angulo in his closing argument, said, "You can't fix evil.

     The Gonzales-Angulo defense consisted mainly of the argument that the prosecution, in this circumstantial case, had not carried its burden of proof.

     On September 26, 2014, a jury in a Houston, Texas courtroom took less than six hours to find Dr. Gonzalez-Angulo guilty as charged. The judge sentenced her to ten years, but in May 2018 she was granted parole and released from prison. 


  1. So, why she did it? Why would she jeopardized her entire life? No motive has been put in the spot yet...

  2. I do not buy this.. No motive at all. Who drinks two cups of sugar tasting coffee if you like it balck without sugar.. No sense

  3. You are pepectly right!!! No sense

  4. I don't understand. Why would this man drink coffee that tasted sweet if he didn't drink it that way? Why would he think it acceptable that his girlfriend suddenly forgot how he took his coffee? If they were home, wouldn't it make more sense to dump the cup and pour another one? And what's the motive? There's a lot of information missing here.

  5. He was "dating" two doctors at the same hospital at teh same time. Who knows what happened. But, why on earth would this smart doctor risk her life for his? Something doesn't add up.

  6. You do not need a motive in a felony assault case.

  7. In reality, what you called a prominent physician is a manipulative person, who is psychopath, who was known in Miami as a poor physician and liar.

    1. Interesting, looks like you know this person, maybe you can be called as a witness...who knows...

    2. Yes, you have to be dumb and blind not to see that she's a Psychopath!!

    3. Interesting! I think she is a sociopath.They are excellent at appearing to be normal,they are also known to be secretly reprehensible. They are very selfish and everything is always someone else's fault.Always !I wouldbe be interested to know more about her life growing up. There is a lot we don't know about her,and in court it was irrelevant. But I'm curious.

  8. Strange wordpress site has popped up this summer. Poorly written no information site touting Dr. Gonzalez-Angulo's credentials. I wonder if there is about to be movement on the case.


    1. DO you believe that somebody as Ana Gonzalez, a scientist takes time to do that?. Everything is circumstantial. Judge ad Jury did not have enough evidences against her.

    2. Yes,I do believe she is a smart,calculating person. But she,like many before her,underestimated everyone else.She did an evil thing and got caught! She thought the police were stupid and she was wrong. That's the arrogance of a sociopath. Very typical!

  9. Honestly, she is too smart to do this. On the other hand, he sounds sleazy.

    1. You're the one who's not smart. She was blind by jealousy.

  10. I feel for Dr. Ana Maria Gonzalez. I do not think she did it. I think Dr. Blumenschein´s girlfriend did it and was clever enough to cover it up. Tears when she took the stand playing the victim... poor girl!

  11. Listen to the taped phone calls.
    She sounds like a pissed off teenager!
    I don't give a crap what her IQ is. She is a psychopath! Millions of women have had a man cheat on them! Do we torture them with poison in a bid to murder them!? NO! We move on!

    It is a travesty she only got 10 years! Her license to practice should be yanked for life!!

    The people standing up for her are beyond disgusting! This woman took an oath to do no harm!! People who have been the very few to survive ethylene glycol have said they wished they were shot or set on fire....it would have been kinder than ethylene glycol poisoning!!

  12. Ana is too smart to poison George in that way. Who got the most benefits after all? I think Dr. Blumenschein´s girlfriend did it. All of them should know how much of that chemical will kill a person.

  13. She had nothing but a biased trial. Only ideas and suspicious behavior, played by a common equation: Colombian=Coffee;Colombian=violence therefore a crime. This typical equation resonates with the culture of prejudice so common in Texas. Good prosecutor, bad defense= Jail time.

  14. There was no concrete evidence - they never tested the coffee mugs he said contained the sweet coffee. Not guilty, totally circumstantial and the MD Anderson doctors and staff that testified against her - slime

  15. I just watched this again and without testing the coffee mugs there is no way to "prove" that she did it. It is supposed to be beyond a reasonable doubt, without testing the mugs there is reasonable doubt. Was she a little crazy, maybe and I think that's what got her convicted.

  16. Bottom Line is if a person drinks and likes their coffee black with No sugar no one person will continue to drink their coffee sweet if they like it black ! Common Sense ... POINT BLANK PERIOD.. I know how I drink my coffee & if it isn't made right I won't drink the dam thing .. SIMPLE as THAT..!

  17. There was info I read that she had been working on a more holistic cure for cancer and had made great progress. Don't count out a big pharma from having something to do with this. They have much to lose with a non chemical cure.


    1. He drank it so as not to be rude or hurtful. Remember,she said it was a "very special coffee"from her home country. It's called class. There is no reason to offend her.I would have done the same thing for someone I cared about. Haven't you ever eaten something, prepared by someone you love, and you didn't like it but ate it and we're polite. It's what you do if you have good manners.Something that seems to be lacking in many,many people.Good manners ! It's not hard to imagine if you have been taught correctly.Just my feelings on the matter.

    2. I totally agree with u. She’s guilty as fffffff

  19. I agree release this woman. He is guilty too for having the affair that he,was not forced to do. The other Doctor should leave him because he will do it again. Maybe the next woman will succeed. He is stupid yoo.

  20. Omg! I can't believe how many of you are defending this evil woman. She fell victim to the green-eyed monster:jealousy ! Is it really that hard for you to see the truth ? Her being attacked;never happened. She stated it, did it to herself to get sympathy from Dr. Blumenschein! I She didn't call 911 ! She called him, to take her to the police station. And yes, if someone I cared about gave me a terrible cup of "very special"coffee,I would drink it so as not to be rude or hurt their feelings.Sadly, her obsession with Dr.B. took over her common sense and she did what lots of people have done when desperate for love. She was a sac, pitiful woman, who did this evil act. Like the prosecutor said, it matters not who you are, but what you do ! She underestimated everyone ! Called the detective dumb-ass ! Maybe she can be of help to the women in prison. And to the person who claimed this was racism:Don't be ridiculous! Enough with everything being racism! Lame! There are plenty of genuine racism victims who deserve your sympathy! I think it's really sad that she couldn't control her jealousy and envy. And yes, Dr.B. was a pig for using her the way he did, but he's still the victim!He's not on trial for being a lousy,unfaithful boyfriend !It's very clear to me that she is guilty and thought she was too smart to get caught ! And when she did,she tried to blame his real girlfriend, Dr.Toney.It's a tragedy for him,he will never recover from this physically.So yes,she should pay. I just hope that when she gets out, that she takes advantage of the rest of her time on this earth and does good,not evil !Sad for all involved, but she did an evil thing even though she is redeemable.
