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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Did Mailman Daniel Villasensor "Go Postal" With Girl in Park?

     On Monday afternoon, February 4, 2013, Daniel Villasensor, a 55-year-old U.S. Post Office employee who'd been on the job since 1981, was in a public park outside of Los Angeles. Dressed in his postal uniform, Villasensor asked an 11-year-old girl directions to the public restrooms. After the girl directed him to the facility, Villasensor accidentally entered the women's section. He realized his mistake and quickly retreated from the women's room. Outside the facility he was greeted by the girl and her friend who laughed and made fun of him.

     Apparently infuriated and humiliated by what he considered taunting, the postman pushed the 11-year-old girl. When the frightened kid ran, he gave chase. Villasensor caught up with the girl, and according to reports, grabbed her by the throat and began choking her. Employees of Bristow Park heard the young victim's screams and came to her rescue.

     Villasensor, with the park employees approaching, let the girl go, ran to his car and drove out of the park. Deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office arrested him a short time later.

     A Los Angeles County prosecutor has charged the postal worker with felony cruelty to a child, and assault on park property. Daniel Villasensor has pleaded not guilty to the charges. The judge set his bail at $100,000.

    Villasensor, who was on duty at the time of the alleged attack, has been placed unpaid leave.

     This is one of those crime stories that, without more information, doesn't make a lot of sense. Why would a man who has worked for the federal government 32 years attack an 11-year-old girl for laughing at him?  Is he married? Does he have children? One also wonders what Villasensor was doing in the park, and why he couldn't find the public restrooms? If he had been delivering mail, he should have been familiar with the area. Was he there with someone else? Does he live near the park? Since this is not a headline case, we may never know the answers to these and other questions.


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