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Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Christopher Wells Murder-For-Hire Case

     In August 2010 Amara Wells, the 39-year-old wife of 49-year-old Christopher Wells, declared that she wanted a divorce. The couple lived with their six year old daughter in Monument, Colorado. The day after he received this news Christopher destroyed $1000 worth of his wife's wardrobe. She and the little girl fled to Castle Rock, Colorado where they took up residence with Amara's sister-in-law and her husband. Within days of the separation Amara filed for divorce and obtained a restraining order, informing the authorities that she feared for her life. The restraining order did not stop Christopher Wells from stalking and harassing his wife.

     On February 22, 2011, El Paso County (Colorado) police arrested Christopher for violating the restraining order. Instead of posting bail he chose to remain in custody overnight. That evening someone entered the Castle Rock home and brutally murdered Amara and her sister-in-law's husband. They were beaten, stabbed and shot at close range. Amara's six year old discovered the bodies at three in the morning the next day. At the time of the killings Amara's sister-in-law was away on business.

     A few weeks after the double murder the police arrested Christopher Wells for masterminding the two homicides. Wells and his accomplices, Josiah Sher, Matthew Plake and Micah Woody had been employed at the Rocky Mountain Auto Brokers in Colorado Springs. Wells stood accused of paying 26-year-old Josiah Sher of Calhan, Colorado $20,000 for the murder of Amara and her family. Sher's two helpers were charged with buying the weapons, planning the hit, driving the hit man to the scene and disposing of the evidence. Woody and Plake were each paid $15,000 for their roles in the murders.

     The accused hit man, Josiah Sher, had been arrested in July 2005 for assault, domestic violence and harassment. Five years later police arrested him for speeding, driving with a revoked license and being a habitual offender. At the time of this arrest he was a sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserves.

     Christopher Wells, a hot-tempered drug user, had a history of violence himself. Thirteen years earlier he had asked a cellmate in Fairfax County, Virginia to burglarize his ex-girlfriend's home, and in the process beat her up. Wells gave the cellmate, Richard DeLilly, a checklist detailing the M.O. along with a hand-drawn map of the target's neighborhood and a blueprint of the interior of her home. Wells told DeLilly to take what he wanted then destroy the woman's furniture. Instead of going through with the criminal assignment De Lilly went to the police. The intended victim told the officers that Wells, a former Chippendales dancer who did odd jobs and abused methamphetamine, wouldn't take no for an answer. He had called her incessantly, damaged her pickup and jammed the lock on her front door. She considered him extremely dangerous.

     On September 14, 2011 a judge ruled that the prosecutor in the Castle Rock double murder had sufficient evidence against Wells and the other three to hold the defendants without bond until their separate trials. They were charged with first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder and felony murder. All of the defendants were eligible for the death penalty.

   On January 31, 2012 the Douglas County District Attorney's Office announced that prosecutors intended to seek the death penalty against 27-year-old Josiah Sher, the suspected hit man. Two weeks later Christopher Wells entered a plea of not guilty in a Douglas County Court.

     In March 2012 Micah Woody and Matthew Plake each pleaded guilty to  two counts of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder. Both men agreed to testify against Christopher Wells and Josiah Sher. The judge sentenced each man to 48 years in prison.

     On January 30, 2014 Christopher Wells and his hit man, Josiah Sher, pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree murder. The judge sentenced both men to life in prison. 


  1. Does anyone know what is going on with this case? Chris Wells and those 3 other idiots were supposed to go to trial in December and I haven't seen anything since approx. October.

  2. went to high school with wells and his sister. Tragic. He was good looking and popular and his sister was beautiful/popular. So shocking and sad. Chris must have lost his mind - but it's evident he was on drugs and probably abused steroids. He was on the Best Body on the Beach/OC Maryland some time ago.

    1. Hi Anonymous, Can you please contact me? I'm a TV producer with Discovery ID and I want to talk to you. What high school was this? 310-765-2223. Ask for Miss Wong.

    2. For Homecoming, Senior year, double-dated with my best friend. Her date was Chris, mine date was another classmate. later in the school year, I (very) briefly dated Chris. There was something creepy about him. Now I know....he was a psychopath-in-the-making!

    3. I knew Chris since I was about 13/14yrs old. His parents and my parents were really good friends. Every weekend our families would go to their weekend house at the beach and go fishing. His sister and I hung out all the time. I remember hearing about this from my mother a few yrs ago and this just blows my mind. My father just brought it up again to me about a week ago. So glad that his mother wasn't alive when this happened. It would've broken her heart. He was pretty close to his mom growing up. I've read articles on this and I still just can't believe that the person who used take me to dinner every year for my birthday, do crazy bets so he could earn cash to take a date and who seemed to have everything going for him would have done something so tragic to his family. I just came across a picture of him and two buddies from my 18th birthday party. So sad and senseless. I pray for his sister, where ever she's at to have some peace and for his father who is not in good health right now.

  3. Lol you people.... These "idiots"? I for one know Josiah isn't an
    "idiot". But, I cannot and will not elaborate as I don't feel the need to have media attention. I can honestly say, I wish people understood PTSD better... And, maybe if that were the case, we wouldn't be in the situation we're in now. I'm glad not all people see Josiah as a monster, but even if they did it wouldn't change how I feel. HAHA TV Producer... Always trying to get a story.. Too bad that all of us who know Josiah won't talk. :)

  4. Also, Wells and Sher have LWOP and Woody and Plake have 48 years
