When I'm struggling with my own work I'm often drawn to biographies of writers. Not only do I learn fun facts about prominent figures--Henry James suffered terribly from constipation, Kafka chewed every bite of food 32 times, Flannery O'Conner cared for a flock of around 40 peacocks, Montaigne never saw his wife with her clothes off, Balzac fortified himself with a paste made of un-roasted coffee beans--I'm also reminded that there's no single path for living a successful creative or personal life. It's inspiring to read about a flawed human being who struggled with his or her demons and afflictions, experienced paralyzing episodes of failure or self-doubt, but somehow managed to do the work anyway, and produce something that enriched the world. That's my version of self-help.
Tom Perrota in The New York Times Book Review, December 1, 2013
Tom Perrota in The New York Times Book Review, December 1, 2013
Thank you, Mr. Fisher, for the extra content today, even though I'm still shuddering at Balzac's "fortifier"! I think I'll have a chocolate bunny instead!~~~ Thanx again, and happy Easter!