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Sunday, April 8, 2018

Thornton P. Knowles On Tattoos

I don't understand why so many middle class people are now permanently marking themselves up with tattoos. One would think that in a culturally evolving society, fewer and fewer people would engage in such behavior. At one time, to see a man or woman literally covered in tattoos, you had to fork over freak show admission. Not anymore. Recently, in downtown Wheeling, I saw a shirtless fat guy with a massive tattoo of West Virginia imprinted on his back. I'm a trained psychologist, and I just don't get it.

Thornton P. Knowles


  1. You know what? I think you ought to compile all of dear Mr. Knowles' quotations into a book. Maybe an eBook! The world needs more of his wit and wisdom, even if it is a bit curmudgeonly! I like the way he's his own man and has his own opinions and defies any labels!

    1. Thank you for the suggestion. I'll think about it.

  2. "The difference between tattooed people and non-tattooed people is tattooed people don't judge non-tattooed people."

    I am a tattooed, educated woman who didn't get her first until 25. 10 years later I have over 60 and plan to continue on.

    To each their own :)

    1. Im sure Dr. Knowles would agree with your "to each his own" sentiment. Some people like and understand tattoos and others don't.
