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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Anthony Taglianetti Love Triangle Murder Case

     In 2010 Anthony Taglianetti and his wife Mary resided with their four children in Woodbridge, Virginia. A former Marine, Mr. Taglianetti worked at the Marine Museum. Later that year the couple separated. Mary and the children moved out of the house in Virginia and relocated in Saratoga Springs, New York.

     Shortly after taking up residence in Saratoga Springs, Mary Taglianetti signed up with the online dating site Match.com where she met Keith Reed Jr. She did not tell the 51-year-old superintendent of the Clymer, New York school district that she was married. After Mr. Reed and the 40-year-old woman exchanged a few emails they met for dinner. Shortly after that they became romantically involved. Keith Reed still did not know that he was dating a married woman.

     Keith Reed, the father of three college age daughters, lived alone in the farming community of 1,500 70 miles southwest of Buffalo, New York. The school superintendent had been divorced for several years.

     In 2011 Mary Taglianetti, after reconciling with her husband, moved back to Woodbridge, Virginia. But in 2012, while still living with him and their children, she began exchanging sexually explicit emails and telephone calls with Keith Reed who still wasn't aware that she was married. The online relationship came to an end when Anthony Taglianetti discovered one of the lurid email messages Mary had forgotten to erase from her computer.

     A furious Anthony Taglianetti sent several angry emails to Keith Reed who insisted he had no idea the woman he had been swapping erotic emails with was married. Mr. Reed made it clear he wanted nothing more to do with Mr. Taglianetti or his dishonest wife.

     On September 23, 2012 Edward Bailey, the principal of Clymer Central High School, reported Keith Reed missing after the superintendent didn't show up for a conference in Saratoga Springs. Mr. Bailey went to Reed's house where he found his dog locked in the garage. Mr. Reed was not in the dwelling.

     Deputies with the Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office questioned the missing man's neighbors who reported hearing gunshots coming from the vicinity of Reed's house around 9:30 PM two days before. On September 24, 2012 a deputy sheriff found Mr. Reed's body amid a row of thick shrubs about 150 feet from his house. He had been shot three times.

     Detectives working the case caught their first break when Mary Taglianetti, on September 26, 2012, informed them she suspected that Mr. Reed had been murdered by her angry and jealous husband.

     Investigators learned that on September 21, 2012 Anthony Taglianetti drove 350 miles to Clymer, New York where the detectives believed he shot and killed Keith Reed. According to the homicide investigators, Mr. Taglianetti after murdering the victim drove straight back to Woodbridge, Virginia. The next day he took one of his children to a local museum.

     A Chautauqua County prosecutor charged Anthony Taglianetti with second-degree murder. On September 30, 2012 U.S. Marshals and local police officers pulled the murder suspect over as he drove along a rural road in the Shenandoah Valley National Forest in Virginia. Inside Taglianetti's vehicle officers found a .367-Magnum revolver wrapped in one of his wife's offending emails.

     Through DNA analysis a forensic scientist identified Keith Reed's blood on the suspect's handgun. Ballistics tests revealed that this .357-Magnum had fired the death scene bullets.

     The Taglianetti murder trial got underway on October 31, 2013 in Chautauqua County, New York. District Attorney David W. Foley in his opening statement to the jury emphasized the physical evidence pointing to the defendant's guilt.

     Public defender Nathaniel L. Barone, in his opening remarks, said, "This is not a story of an affair gone wrong or a crazed husband seeking justice. It's not as simple as Mr. Taglianetti driving up and killing Keith Reed because of an email. That's not what happened. The defendant is innocent. Mr. Taglianetti did not murder Keith Reed Jr."

     The defense attorney, after declaring his client innocent, attacked Mary Taglianetti, one of the prosecution's star witnesses. He characterized her as a "master manipulator" and urged jurors to weigh her testimony carefully. "Mary Taglianetti is a liar," he said.

     On November 9, 2013, following the testimony of 46 witnesses over a nine day period, the jury of five women and seven men, after three hours of deliberation found the 45-year-old defendant guilty as charged. On February 24, 2014 the Chautauqua County judge sentenced Anthony Taglianetti to 25 years to life in prison. 


  1. Just saw the TV show. Two questions. 1) Why did Mary not tell Keith she was married and offered no explanation of this. 2) Why did Keith not report Taglianetti's threatening messages if not to the police, then to his brother, a law enforcement agent?? Thanks, Ross

    1. Originally when they dated the first time he knew she was only separated from her husband. The 2nd time around she "said" they were on the rocks again or something. I think she is ridiculous though. Sorry. Either get divorced or focus on your spouse and family. Once you try to have it both ways it is never good.

    2. Janay said: "Once you try to have it both ways it is never good."
      Ain't that the truth. I never liked multitasking, and that was like multitasking from hell!

    3. Keith Reed knew Mary Taglianettj was married. The media does not tell anyone this but they have proof from emails and former text messages that he knew she was in a bad marriage.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! So does April, June and November. All the rest have 31, except for February, which sometimes has 28 and sometimes 29. Also, i before e, except after c, and when sounds like a, as in neighbor and weigh.

  3. Does justice require that lying female to also serve a few years thinking about what her lied helped to occur?

    1. Lying is not against the law. People lie all the time on the internet, that is why it is important to be more diligent when internet dating, particularly on match.com every other description is filled with untruth.

    2. He or she has to reveal HIV positive status !

    3. I agree she should have gotten some time in jail.

  4. So sad what these date site can led to

    1. Not as happy as eHarmony and match.com commercials portray, right?

    2. Nope! Especially enjoy the way that hideous, smarmy old man talks about E-Harmony. No thanks, Pops.

  5. Lovely to be deceived by a woman. This was just one online affair she was having. After the husband confronted her, she then wanted to stay married, he insisted on getting her passwords, finds all this other stuff, and flies off the handle. She wants to stay married (for the children), yet is worried about his hair-trigger temper. She can't make up her mind what she wants - meanwhile, a guy is dead.

    Boy, I've been there.

    1. I have been there too but with my husband. He had 3 of us going at once. Had no interest in divorcing me though. Didn't want people to hate him aka didn't want to be the bad guy. People need to be more respectful of each other. It's sad the lies people will tell just for self gratification.

  6. In a world with so many things to do, and see,it's a crying shame that so many choose to kill and have it all taken away...smh

  7. I watched the show on ID and drew the conclusion that this man's wife did a really good job of setting him up, which is no crime, but she knows what she did and if she has a conscience, she should suffer knowing that she helped to destroy several lives. I think Mary has the opinion that she is the smartest person in the room and was able to convince the cops that her husband was the murderer. Had she not come forward, it may have been likely the case would have gone cold.

    Also, Chris's former FBI agent brother is a bit of a legend in his own mind. Why is it that big doofuses think they own the world? He is obviously a jerk at best.

  8. She knew what she was doing she knew how her husband was very jealous and she allowed this to happen this man Keith was a good man father brother and principle rest in peace keith

  9. I saw this on Dateline for the second time. Mary Jenks Tagleonetti wasn't entirely truthful on the witness sand as her husband's defense attorney revealed. However, I can't say either way if she set her husband up as others insist. As for Anthony Tagleonetti, he got the sentence her deserved. Even if Mary did coerce him in subtle ways - and there's no proof she did - what he did is indefensible. His co-workers were afraid of him, and for good reason. He possessed violent tendencies. He was a certified bully who used his fists more than he had to. At least that's what I read about him.

  10. The wife did not set it up as they were separated. Men need to learn that women are not possessions and they do not own another human being. Most men have double standards and the man most likely to be violent if the wife does anything is a man who has a long history of affairs.
