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Thursday, October 5, 2023

Did Jeffrey Pyne Murder His Mother?

     On the surface it looked like 22-year-old Jeffrey Pyne had a great life with a promising future. He had graduated from the West Highland Christian Academy in Milford, Michigan as class valedictorian. After high school he attended the University of Michigan-Flint where he majored in biology. But at home in Highland Township Jeffery Payne had serious problems with his 51-year-old mother, Ruth.

     In 1998, when Jeffrey was 8-years-old, Ruth Pyne was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Over the next decade she became increasingly difficult to live with, and violent. For some reason, Jeffery had become the prime target of his mother's wrath which had subjected him to physical and verbal abuse. In July 2010, after the police arrested Ruth for trying to manually strangle her son, Jeffrey's father, Bernie Pyne, filed a petition with the court to have his wife institutionalized. In the commitment petition Mr. Pyne wrote: "She has invented a religion that deems all medication a form of sorcery and will not take her medication for that reason."

     Ruth Pyne's refusal to take her bipolar medicine, the cause of her bellicose behavior, created most of the friction between mother and son and led to many heated arguments. Following in-patient treatment at a Michigan mental health facility in 2010 Ruth Pyne returned home. But nothing changed. She refused to take her medication and continued to torment her son.

     On May 27, 2011, at 2:30 in the afternoon, Bernie Pyne and his ten-year-old daughter Julia came home to find Ruth dead in the garage. She had been bludgeoned and stabbed. Because nothing had been stolen from the garage or the house, and the victim had not been sexually assaulted, it didn't seem likely that this woman had been murdered by a stranger.

     According the the medical examiner who performed the autopsy, Ruth Pyne had received at least 12 vicious blows to the head from a two-by-four. Her attacker then stabbed her in the neck 16 times. It was possible that the stab wounds were postmortem. The overkill nature of the assault led investigators to believe the victim had been murdered by someone who knew her well, and hated her guts.

     Crime scene technicians found traces of the dead woman's blood on faucet handles in the laundry room where they believed the killer had washed his or her hands. The crime scene investigators found no blood on the inside knob of the garage man-door which was standing partially open. Had the killer left the garage through this doorway, the door operating knob would have contained traces of the victim's blood. Inside the dwelling crime scene technicians found no signs of blood or other physical evidence of the killing. Detectives speculated that the killer believed that he or she had enough time after the murder to clean up the house before Mr. Pyne and his daughter returned home and discovered the body.

     Since Ruth Pyne's murder appeared to be an inside job, suspicion immediately fell on Jeffery Pyne who had been, as far as anyone could tell, the last person to see his mother alive. On the day of the murder, detectives with the Oakland County Sheriff's Office questioned Jeffery at police headquarters. The suspect, when asked to account for himself that afternoon, said, "She got home from grocery shopping. I helped her bring the groceries in." According to Jeffery his mother was alive when he left the house at one-thirty that afternoon to plant lilac bushes at the home of one of his former high school teachers. After working at the teacher's house he drove to his part time job at Spicer Orchards.

     Crime scene investigators, on the day of the murder, combed Jeffrey Pyne's car for physical traces of the murder. They found nothing. A forensic analysis of Jeffrey's clothing also produced negative results.

     When officers questioned Jeffrey at the sheriff's office that afternoon, detectives noticed fresh blisters on both of his hands. When asked about the blisters, Jeffrey said he had gotten them earlier in the day planting lilacs at the teacher's house.  In response to a question about his relationship with his mother, Jeffrey said, "I've never had a problem with her. The only issue I had is I wanted her to take her medicine." At the conclusion of the interview detectives were certain Jeffrey Pyne had fatally bludgeoned and stabbed his mother.

     In October 2011, five months after the murder, Oakland County District Attorney John Skrzynski charged Jeffrey Pyne with first-degree murder.

     The Pyne murder trial got underway in Pontiac, Michigan on November 16, 2012. In his opening statement to the jury, prosecutor Skrzynski said, "This was an angry killing that was the result of years of living with a difficult person who was bipolar." The defendant's attorney, James Champion, pointed out that the state could not link his client to the murder through physical evidence and that the prosecution's proof was circumstantial, and weak.

     The strongest witness for the prosecution turned out to be the school teacher who had hired Jeffrey to do odd jobs around her house. According to her testimony, Jeffrey had planted the lilacs four days before his mother's murder. This was a credible witness who broke the defendant's alibi.

     The testimony phase of the Pyne murder trial came to a sudden close on December 14, 2012 when defense attorney Champion announced that he did not have any witnesses to present. In Champion's mind he didn't need any witnesses because the prosecution had failed to carry its burden of proof.

     On December 18, 2012, the jury found the defendant guilty of the lesser charge of second-degree murder. Judge Leo Bowan had the option of sentencing Jeffery Pyne to up to 60 years behind bars. He could also hand down the minimum sentence of seven years in prison.

     Jeffrey Pyne  maintained his innocence. The bloody clothes he would have worn when he killed his mother were not recovered. Those who believed Jeffrey Pyne innocent argued there were no bloody clothes to recover.

     On Saturday January 12, 2013, the CBS crime series "48 Hours," in an episode called "The Perfect Family," aired an account of the Pyne case. The segment featured interviews of Ruth Pyne's sister and Jeffrey's father.

     Judge Bowan on January 29, 2013 sentenced Jeffrey Pyne to twenty years in prison.


  1. A few questions.
    1. How does a lack of the victim's blood on the garage door knob show that the killer didn't leave that way? What if they washed up before leaving? What if they used a clean cloth? If they could manage to not get blood anywhere else but the garage, how is it so unbelievable that they managed not to get some on the doorknob on the way out?
    2. If Jeffrey got minor blisters on his hands from committing murder, why would he risk drawing attention to them by wrapping them up in flashy white bandages? If he went through such great lengths to cover the rest of his tracks, why go and do that?
    3. Couldn't a lack of emotion in the police interview on the day of the murder be attributed to the fact that what had happened hadn't really sunk in yet, and his emotions for her were probably already subdued from years of dealing with disappointment?
    4. Was any DNA from an unknown person found in or around the house? Did they look into what other enemies this woman might have had? Did they check his cell phone records?

    For I know he could be guilty, but it's strange that these points don't get brought up in any press coverage of the case I've seen.

    1. I think he was defending himself against a crazy dangerous woman. She could have provoked him. I don't think he deserves 20 years in prison. He was a model kid. He endured everything he did because of his little sister.

    2. I totally agree. It sounds like this good kid went through hell and still managed to graduate with honors. Seems like self defense to me. He should have been given a break on the sentencing.

    3. I wonder how the police explained that the young Pyne covered his tracks so well, with no trace evidence ever have been found on Jeff's shoes, clothes or car.
      I also wonder if the police have heard of Keith Hunter Jesperson, or other killers, who established an alibi by going back out for some drinks, being sure to converse with others, before returning to the body.
      It is highly plausible that the father punched out at GM, went to the house, killed her, went to the bar for an alibi, picked up the little girl on his way home, arrived at the home and waited until it was the daughter who discovered the body.
      I understand Bernie Pyne did not even go into the home right away, but went into the backyard to work on the pool pump.

    4. Good point. The father seemed like a very smart manipulative man....and aggressive...could it be they blamed it on the son because they knew they could not prove the father did it? Hoping the father would confess rather than watch his son go down for something he did?

    5. Yes, and if her sickness made her agressive towards the son, how must she have been towards the husband, who, incidentally, was having an affair.

    6. I think he may be innocent. I wish the Innocence Project would take a look at this case. I feel like other suspects were not looked at.

    7. I to think there are too many holes in this case, if nothing else he should get a new trial based on ineffective assistance of council. Just because YOU don't think the prosecution has proved their case doesn't me the jury did. Especially when they are going into deliberations right before Christmas. Horrible injustice imo

    8. Why was the lesser charge allowed to be considered? I understood the original charge for first degree only and the prosecution looked to back-peddle when the defence rested. `if `i am right, that is hardly fair to give them 2 kicks at the cats. The jury would have otherwise acquitted. I think the jury pulled a King Soloman.

    9. I find it odd that she had a clump of hair in her hand. Who's? Also if this woman was a delusional as we are made to believe she could have cut herself in the bathroom thus brig the reason her blood was there. It shows no DNA of jeffery.
      Also they say he couldn't get blisters from moving pallets we'll surely if she was hit by two X two bit of wood he wouldn't get blisters like that on both hands. I was surprised when the father learnt his son was home at a certain time around the murder. Did jeffery see his father kill her? As father was shocked at learning this. Why did it take dining for father to inform police of items missing from garage? Was he trying to pin it on his son.
      Finally think of the interview that poor boy would have had mixed feelings even if he did not kill her. In some respects he may have felt God its over but at same time feel sadness at the loss of his mother.
      For me the father had more to gain maybe he thought his son would get off with the history of abuse. I do not think jeffery is the killer I think he even volunteered to take a lie detector test but was not allowed b

    10. I know the father and no way was he the one who took his wife life. Although there were problems in the family because of her mental illness does not make him nor his son a murder. ALL families have problems. there was at the time of the murder a man that had just gotten out of prison for murder. Police refused to even investigate.

    11. Also, are there any cuts on his hands? If they’d fought, hed have scratches etc on him. Wheres that evidence? Wheres the proof of the father is a good point too. I hope someone takes on this case and reopens it. This is ridiculous

    12. Did they ever look at the husbands mistress? Could she have been upset because he decided to stay with his wife? I dont even see where she was questioned. The theory that the son did it yet had no blood on him, his vehicle, shoes, etc...is not a likely theory.

    13. your so right....in so many ways ,but that's the law for you. they make mistakes to.

    14. If you grew up with Bernie you would know, Jeffrey Pyne is doing Bernie's time.

    15. He had old healing blisters because he had replanted 5 bushes the week before. Had they been new, the skin under the blister would have been much more fragile in appearance. Had he stabbed his mother 19 times in the neck, more than likely he would have had at least small marks from the knife. How did they convict him with absolutely no evidence? No blood inside the home where he supposedly cleaned up, no blood on shoes or in his car. None of his DNA on her at all and yet he stabbed her in the neck 19 times. How did he do that and not touch her. Was just an easy case for them to close with the least bit of effort...shameful

    16. Well the judge would have gave him a lighter sentence if he admitted guilt but no judge gives a killer a break when they don’t admit guilt.

    17. What's w/ the no blood in the house? We know how many times she was stabbed, we know there were copious amounts of blood...and yet SOMEONE cleaned up. Only someone so comfortable in that house and knowing the schedules of the other family would stick around that long and clean up.
      Also, why did he lie about his whereabouts at the time of the murder? He wasn't planting lilacs at his teacher's house, teacher said that was 4 days BEFORE the murder!
      He may have been totally naked during the murder and there was no clothes and shoes to get rid of. Plus, the amount of stabbing he did it's likely he would have a blister, a glove can protect a cut but not the friction of holding the knife so it doesn't slip out of his hands.
      The murder was complete overkill! Anyone with a minor understanding of criminal psychology would know killing w/ this many unnecessary wounds (stabbing even after she's dead) is a sign that the victim was known to the murderer, in all but the rarest of cases. Imagine the hate he had for a mom who pick him out to violently/physically and emotionally abuse, even tho she was sick, which made it worse as he had to suppress all those emotions deep inside until they flooded out. There is means, motive and opportunity here. And why did blood need to be in the car if he committed the crime nude, showered, and cleaned up? Again, we KNOW there was blood in that house!

    18. The blood splatter "expert" had absolutely no training and should not have been allowed in court. Years of doing something wrong without training does not grant expert status - the kids lawyer should have not only contested his testimony but also gotten his own expert. The pictures of the splatters show his mother was NOT hit over the head with a 2x4, but was laying on the ground facing the murderer while he was bashing her head against the 2x4 doorframe. She had bruises on the backs-not palms-of her hands and her own hairs in her hands. This is consistent with the victim putting her hands on the back of her head to protect it as she was being bashed against the doorframe. It is not consistent with the victim raising her hands to defend herself against a swinging 2x4. The wounds on the son's hands are consistent with digging holes and using a shovel. They are not consistent with swinging a 2x4- that part of your hand would not touch because of the square shape. I want to know why their next door neighbor, who was apparently alone at the time of the murder (no alibi) and who was also watching their house well enough to testify about the times of the son's coming and going-was never investigated as a suspect. There are so many trees on the property it would have been easy for someone to sneak out the front door while the husband and kid were coming in the garage--and go next door or to a car on the road. There were blood droplets on the floor of the garage that would have probably contained the murderer's dna, but those were never tested because of the incompetent police force.

  2. The prosecution claims that he killed her because she stopped taking her meds; did they do a tox screen to back this claim?

  3. Where is the physical evidence linking him to the crime scene? Circumstantial case at best, and the prosecution had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed this crime. When did speculation become defined as proof?

    1. Wow! Was this case ever one for reasonable doubt. Perhaps they will appeal and get a better result,

    2. Unfortunately, his appeal was denied. I don't think he got a fair trial and I also don't think he was found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. A terrible miscarriage of justice has been done to this man.

    3. they didn't have hardly any physical evidence. they didn't have bloody clothes, no blood found in his car. not even trace amounts.
      but he did lie about his whereabouts.

    4. Did anyone ever seriously question Bernie's mistress's son? This is a person with a history of violence. Also, I am completely dumbfounded as to why Jeffrey has not been granted a new trial on the grounds of disturbingly inadequate council. I say this because as I was watching the parts of this trial that were shown on this episode on the ID channel, I was more than disgusted by the testimony of the ex-girlfriend. I have no idea why she was allowed to testify. It was clear that she had no knowledge of the murder whatsoever. Every statement that she made sounded bitter, vindictive and proved the cliche "hell hath no fury!" I thought that the prosecution was grasping at straws with this "witness" and just sat there kind of shaking my head waiting for the defense to pounce but they did nothing. I couldn't believe it. A first year law student could have discredited her. These are just two of the things that really bother me about this trial. Every trial that I watch I do it with an open mind. I know that our justice system isn't perfect but I do trust in it for the most part and that is why I am so bothered by cases like this. Jeffrey Pyne did not get a fair trial and desperately deserves a new one. My heart and my prayers are with Bernie, Julia and Jeffrey. Kai Janasik

    5. the father may be the one who killed his wife....why you think he is so convinced the son didnt kill his mother....but it is my belief that the father knows is the son who did it and he has more sympathy towards the son because themother was a mental case and she caused their lives to be miserable..

    6. Father is just sticking up for his son. The poor kid snapped. His demeanor throughout the trial and during questioning was very revealing. Also that he lied about planting lilacs is all suspicious.

  4. What about the ex girlfriend of the father, the one who he had started seeing who worked at the GNC? Was she ruled out as a possible suspect?

    1. I wondered that very same thing after watching 48 hours.

    2. I didn´t know that the victims husband was unfathful. If he did it, would be very cruel to let his daughter discover her mother like that.
      I am gobsmacked someone can get convicted for a serious crime like murder with no evidence what so ever, dangerous anyone could get his/her Life destroyed with that kind of justice system

    3. I immediately thought of Bernie Pyne's girlfriend. Did they rule her out? She had a motive. She could have concievably done this. She could have hired someone. Reasonable doubt- Hell Yes!!!!!!!!

    4. Ditto!!!!! The lover was dumped in the middle of an intimate dinner by the unstable...outraged wife. Wow what a supportive lover! If mental illness runs in this family then why wasn't the son tested? This whole thing is bizarre and needs more work.

    5. Ditto!!!! A scorned lover dumped in the middle of an intimate dinner by the crazy unstable soon to be x-wife??? If mental illness runs in families then why wasn't the son tested? And isn't anyone concerned about the mental illness in the daughter? What is to become of her rage against the system if she has mental illness??? Wow!!!!!!! This whole thing work!!!!! Very bizarre........

    6. Also...... couldn't the blisters have been from planting the trees 4 days prior??

  5. It's so hard dealing with family members who have mental illness, murder is never the solution. Dealing with people close to you can be a very painful experience. When the person doesn't take their meds you become the main target, in my case I endured alot of verbal abuse it's enough to make you want to not deal with the person anymore. But I could never do that.

  6. Listen to the police tapes and the message to Diane Needham.
    Jeff Pyne never says he was planting lilacs that day at Needham's -- he mentions painting for her.
    Jeff Pyne also stated on the police tapes that he got the blisters at work on some pallets by the bathroom.
    The police never found any blood on his shoes, his clothes, in his car or even the weapon. There are clear pictures of his car, his clothes and shoes with no blood.
    Det. John Jacob testified that there was blood on the garage door handle, the tractor in the garage and all over the garage and anyone who committed the crime would have had blood all over them based on the splatter evidence at the scene.
    Ruth Pyne was at Meijers until 10:54 am that morning in White Lake and seen in the parking lot video tapes puttering around shortly after checkout. She was wearing dark jeans and a dark t-shirt at Meijers. It is more than a 20 minute drive back to her house from there, assuming she drives the speed limit and does not stop for any lights.
    When she came home, Jeff told the police on tape that he helped her unpack groceries and she went and changed. She was wearing striped sweatpants and a blue fleece jacket when she was found.
    The neighbor Conley testified that he and his 27 year old son had a rocky relationship with Ruth and Bernie Pyne.
    He testified that he saw Jeff's tan oldsmobile in the driveway behind Ruth's white car -- this is an oddity which should be explored. Why would Jeff's car be parked behind his mother's if she had gone out shopping?

    1. I am very suspicious of that neighbor or his son. According to his testimony, he was in his yard a long time, none of the other neighbors were home and he had access to yard tools and was aware when Jeffrey left the house. He had ample time to dispose of weapons and clean up. If he wasn't focused in on her comings and goings, how could he pin down Jeffrey's times leaving, etc, Bet they never took a look at him or his son. He looks like he could turn violent in a minute,

  7. I have been watching the recorded trial on TV and even though it isn't over yet, from what I have seen of the trial, I can't imagine any jury could find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. There is no evidence linking him to the crime. It is very sad how many people are found guilty of crimes they didn't commit and how many people are found innocent of crimes they did commit. I don't understand why they didn't even do a manhunt search till 4 days later. I understand it was a holiday weekend, but by that time the killer was long gone. I think Jeff is innocent and feel very bad for him.

  8. Nancy Grace said: "If I were going to defend someone - I'd want to defend Jeff Pyne!"
    Please PLEASE! Nancy Do! The prosecutor is WRONG!!! Assuming that Jeffrey was the killer ONLY TO close a CASE! Without doing THE MAN-HUNTING! As he supposed to, the police investigation WAS SLOPPY to save money!
    Jeffrey called the neighbor because he has not heard from her since she said that she’ll be back which was MONDAY!!! She saw the bushes transplanted and did not report back to Jeffrey after RESONABLE time Jeffrey calls on FRIDAY at 2:41 to find out if she was back as schedule! And added he already transferred the bushes. However did not said he transferred the BUSHES that Friday! ( the day of the homicide! The neighbor confirms that the bushes were transferred on MONDAY 4 days before when she arrived home from her trip but did not report that to Jeffrey! MONDAY was THE DAY Jeffrey generated the blisters with the round handle SHOVEL as when you swing a baseball bat! That is the kind of Blisters Jeffrey had ROUND! NOT RECTANGULAR 2x4!
    Blisters are deep pink in color on the first day FRESH! NO white around the blister! JEFFREY blisters on FRIDAY have WHITE/DRY on the edge or around them MEANING they are in the last stage of healing. On the 2nd and 3 day of a blister forms WATER between the new skin and the old skin and USUALLY a person pierces the skin to draw the water, but leave the old skin to protect the new raw skin. When Jeffrey catches the pallet the pallet ripped the old skin open and Jeffrey just pulled off exposing the raw new skin which it hurts without the old skin protecting it. THAT is why he tried to band them himself sloppily at work when it happened. Then Jeffrey’s father calls Jeffrey hyperventilating to come back home and PROBABLY told him a terrible thing happened to his mother they don’t say exactly. On the way back home 20 minutes’ drive preparing for BAD NEWS Jeffrey is ready to take any bad news from his mother! Is not that he saw the bad sight as his father did, Jeffrey had the travel time to prepare for the worst! That is why he had EMOTION CONTROL!

    1. Plus, not all people respond the same way.
      Being his mother was as she was, maybe he actually felt a little relief that he would not have to face another outburst from his mother. Who knows why a person doesn't react the way society thinks is normal in a given situation.

  9. As much as I hate to say it, I think that he did it. His family went through hell with her not taking her meds, I feel he took as much as he could in his mind, then wanting to protect his little sister, its just sad. He got those blisters from hitting her over & over not by transferring any bushes, I won't make excuses for him, the woman stated he did not do any of the list she left for him to do while she was out of town.

    1. The blisters were days old. Its so obvious the blisters are at least 3 to 4 days old. there was no redness at all. case over. INNOCENT.Even if he did do it there's so much reasonable doubt!!

  10. TO LINDA - RUTH PYNE SISTER!!! YOU HAVE BEEN ABSENT from your nephew and Ruth ! Jeffrey Pyne is 100% INNOCENT!!! NOT GUILTY!!!!! it appears that YOU have not follow THE TWISTED TACTICS OF POLICE! or you have not been a juror in your life!! When each juror was asked “Is this your TRUE VEREDICT” they sound forced to say WHAT THE LEADER of the JURORS AGREED to believe! There is always a couple or more to lead THIS CASE WAS NOT PROOVED BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT!
    "reasonable doubt". The precise meaning of words such as "reasonable" and "doubt" are usually defined within jurisprudence of the applicable country. Jurisprudence is the study and theory of law! THE SYSTEM should change and a CLASS FOR JURY SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS and only select jurors that have taken classes. Jurors are regular people NOT EVEN paying attention to details AND just follow what other jurors opinion is to save face!

    1. This is very true
      I've severed as a juror in a bank robbery case of a mentally ill man off his meds
      Jurors are averge people
      Many do not pay attention to details trails are long n BORING
      N you are couped up w these jurors until trial is over n verdict is reached
      Wen jurors start delibersting on guilty or innocent verdict
      There are often hold outs or there is often a few that are overbearing n insist that you agree w them or the deliberations are never gonna end n can't go home till judge says you can so you are cohearsed bullied into going along w them I didn't agree n I held out
      That's how I am there was alot of arguing between juror
      I Never intend on Ever Be a Juror
      Ever Again


      Average people that have no basic knowledge on how trial n juries work except what they see on TV fiction
      It's very hard to keep up w every thing said n it going on for days or weeks ect it can be confusing
      For some people ,you can not take notes at the end you can ask for a few things to go back over but if it's several days it's hard to Remember every word every thing said it's impossible n can't take notes I don't know if this young man jeffery killed his mother in a fit of rage ? Is it possible yes / if he did I can understand why she physically attacked him b4 was arrested was obsessed w being a Christian ( I am a Christian ) I say obsessed due to her mental illness so her thoughts in her mind were very rigid n were not the same as a Christian not mentally ill she was abusive to her son n lil Girl 10 yrs old so very sad
      The dad worked long hours n didn't hear n see all his wife did to the kids jeffery begged his dad to divorce her instead he had an affair n got caught
      It was the fathers responsibility to protect his children n make sure his wife sought help n took meds n if she refused her meds or he should have left w his children asap n stayed away that probably wld have prevented this tragedy if the son is guilty

      This mother was mentally unstable n had no business being around her children much less raising them all that has occurred will scar this lil girl for life I hope her dad can be a loving attentive dad to help her heal from this ordeal
      If you have a spouse that's mentally ill n not on meds it's your responsibility to protect your children period
      I have experience w a daughter that is bipolar will not take meds has been in Hosp ect had her child taken from her I am now raising my 5 yr old granddaughter permanently
      Many people w mental illness refuse to take meds do crazy things n often self medicate w drugs alcohol ect as my daughter did you have highs n lows wen they are good they refuse meds n wen it's bad they beg for help or try suicide
      It's an emotional Roller-coaster for the person that's mentally ill but it's also the same for the parents spouse child ect of a mentally ill person
      It's hard for them but very hard for family members living w them n their crazy lows n highs n negative behaviour or dangerous behaviours so I 4sure can speak from Experience of a family members perspective
      My daughter took good care of her child but wld have mood outbursts that wld scare her n she n the daddy fought all the time n he got her into meth so child was taken n I got her now permanently
      Been almost 14 months my grandchild is now in a secure stable family environment n day by day working thru things my daughter n the Daddy n his parents nothing has changed they are all still using drugs meth n we rarely see them or hear from them like a few miles apart very sad my granddaughter questions whether they love her I assure her they do ?? It's Heart Breaking
      Mental illness drugs crimes tear families apart 4 ever

    2. I wonder if any of the jurors had mental illness and may have had bias against Jeff. (i'm not making fun as I myself have mental illness. )

    3. Excellent thought. There is so much mental illness and many people are affected. (Effected)??

  11. Jeffrey Pyne LOVED HIS MOTHER! I wish he never had asked he will take his mother's situation, because it came true!

    I have several mentally ill relatives including a brother and a daughter. Even thou I sometimes think they would be better off dead. (for them to stop suffering and making others miserable) Every relative still love them and learn to tolerate. We know it is God testing us to become humble and patient. Jeffrey was Christian and would NOT KILL. He had good foundation taught by his own mother. Jeffrey loved his mother and respected her even thou she tried to chock him. He knew he is bigger and stronger! Jeffrey would just hold her hands. Jeffrey DID NOT KILL HIS BELOVED MOTHER! If POLICE TWIST CIRCUMSTANCES I will not TRUST police for anything any more. APPARENTLY they are a THREAT to society!

    1. I honestly don't think he did it. He calmly took her abuse for years, simply because she was his mom. Even if he had killed her, 20 years is far too long. She was a chronic abuser! I think that she was bat-shit crazy and she probably was verbally abusive toward the wrong person--who got revenge. Absolutely NO EVIDENCE AT ALL. And that old lady and her lilac story--Maybe Jeff was with someone... and he feels he needs to guard her honor.

  12. I have never thought someone was innocent and in the last few years very public trials ended in an acquittal. This young man is innocent. No DNA to link him to this crime. Police had on blinders. This man is innocent. Ruth was in a jail & mental hospital where she met someone she tried to help. She seems like she was a woman of god & wanted to help others.

  13. Jeffrey is innocent. He was not emotional because he learned how to keep his emotions in check when he was a child. Now he is punished for this. The police didn't look into anyone else and have killed ruth again. She loved her son and still does. I pray for this case to go to appeal ASAP so that this man can go on with his life. Ruth would want this.

  14. Don't be dogging Linda (Ruth Pyne's sister.) She's a friend of mine and knows the background on this case. She is risking a break with her family because she doesn't believe the son is innocent and has solid reasons behind her opinion.
    And no one deserves to be killed just because they have a mental illness. You have to find another way to deal with the situation.

    1. LINDA is A FRIEND of yours, isn’t she? Do you know the meaning of “FRIEND”? – (It means YOUR colleague, associate, workmate, acquaintance! ) You say she doesn't believe the son is innocent, BUT THEN YOU BELIEVE HER? You ARE JUST LIKE LINDA! Wait until YOU have a DISAGREEMENT WITH HER! Linda might even be jealous of SUCH A PERFECT SON! DEVIL is everywhere! YOU think defending Linda are defending her? YOU are harming her! NO FAMILY MEMBER SHOULD be badgering other family members….. LINDA is vexing afflicting Bernie Pyne!!! She damaged innocent Jeffrey Pyne case!!! Now the little sister LOST her MOTHER AND BROTHER!!!! Because PEOPLE LIKE LINDA!!! SHAME ON YOU!!! Ask her to REVERSE her statement IMMEDIATELY on the appeal!!!! JEFFREY IS INNOCENT! I don’t even know the guy or their family! HEARING THE CASE, JEFFREY IS INNOCENT

    2. What are these solid reasons? Please list/elaborate..

    3. She also believed and said the husband did it. Family of the deceased always get it wrong.

    4. Linda wasnt there when it happened. If Linda cared so much about her sister why didnt she take care of her and encourage her to take her meds. Where was Linda when Ruth was abusing her children????

  15. Suspicious of the fathers ex gf.

  16. Did police check into Bernie's female friend's ex-husband & her sons? Did police check into the neighbors & their adult children?

  17. As hard as it may sound, I can't get past the fact of how many times she was beaten and how many times she was stabbed. To beat and to stab someone that many times means the perpetrator had to have felt deep, deep rage, and had probably had a lifetime of abuse, be it verbal or physical, this happens over a long period of time. Not just on a few occasions. Think back on all the well known murder cases where someone was stabbed or beaten 20+ times and it's always been a family member.

    1. That's not true, several years ago a young lady was stabbed 101 times and then propped up in a sexual manner in her bed. The killer had never met his victim EVER! They had never even spoke. There was no sexual assault just a brutal stabbing 101 stab wounds. That is a vicious, angry beyond words crime. Again, this killer DID NOT KNOW HIS VICTIM! Never stereotype a crime, that's how the innocent are punished and killers walk free. I believe this young man is innocent. The prosecution had absolutely no evidence. You cannot commit a crime like this and leave no evidence. I hope the father hires a private investigator or gets the innocence project involved and Jeffrey sues the shit out of the police department and the city when he is vindicated. So sad his life is being wasted for something he didn't do...

    2. I agree with that 100% There are many, many murders that involve rage but the rage is in the murderer already. 1000s of murders as heinous as this one that the murderer had never even met before. There is absolutely no proof, no evidence, no DNA that points at Jeff being the one capable of this kind of rage. Don't forget Mom isn't taking her meds, is paranoid and imagining some very wild stuff and had been in jail AND a mental hospital. There's no telling what kind of crazy stuff she might have said to someone as crazy as she was herself.

    3. Many serial killers are known for their overkill and they had NO personal relationship with the victim (Richard Ramirez, for example). Overkill should never be considered as evidence.

  18. What bothers me about this case is the murder weapons. Usually in such vicious homicides these come under close scrutiny. Did Jeffrey carry a knife, or was it one he took from the kitchen? If so, why wasn't it stated? Jeffrey stated that he left his mother in bed around 1.30p.m. If you look at photographs of how she was dressed, it looks like she just shoved on a pair of pants and top. Maybe she heard noises and went to investigate in the garage. If I were Jeffrey's father, I would engage Dr.Henry Lee to examine the entire forensic nature of the scene - and be prepared to accept his findings, whether they clear Jeffrey or not. It just seems strange that a young man, known for a calm and placid nature, should erupt only once in his life.

    1. Clearly, the father does not want an investigation. It is best for him that the son is convicted.
      The father is the one who allegedly did not pick up the daughter from day care until after a day of drinking with his buddies at a local pub.
      The father is the one who had a mistress.
      The father is the one who came home to an open door with his daughter, but did not check the door or the premises, instead going into the backyard to work on the pool after an afternoon of drinking.
      The father is the one who, despite the fact that they live in a rural neighborhood removed from the neighbors, ran around screaming and crying while calling the authorities.
      The father is the one who could have actually stopped by the house on his way to drinking, killed her, and then went to the pub to create an alibi before returning with the daughter.

    2. funny that the father's behavior was disregarded (the cheating drinking etc) but the son cheated on his gf and it was character assassination. The GF was butt hurt and figured this was a way to get even with him.

  19. Jim Fisher,
    You should write this story and name the book "The Lilac Bushes". It is an amazing case in so many ways.

  20. Replies
    1. I agree it would be an interesting book. Please include a timeline showing when the father allegedly left work (it does not appear the police got the actual time stamped security gate records), to when he left the Milford House. It would be nice to know exactly what time the waitress clocked his ServPro request for drinks. Both of those records would establish a clear time line of what the father did -- when he actually passed through the security gates and when he actually ordered a drink at the pub.
      I also wonder why it was never explained why the father went to the pub before picking up the daughter and why the mother, who obviously was home that day, did not pick up the daughter if the father was going to be out drinking.

    2. I think you make EXCELLENT points! Was the dad getting some liquid courage? Did the dad pick up the daughter because he knew his wife was dead and wouldn't be able to?

    3. It seems that Ruth was unable to care for Julia. I have bipolar II so I feel for her. Bernie is an obvious suspect but I don't believe he or his son did it. He agreed to stay married thereby dumping the girlfriend, she needs to be checked out. Overkill isn't only done when there is a personal connection. There just isn't any direct evidence that Jeff did this none. Where is the murder weapon?, DNA?, bloody clothes?, blood on him or his car etc? This isn't right

    4. Bernie wasn't "out drinking" he was at a local restaurant (Highland House) attending a retirement luncheon for a co-worker. The restaurant does have a bar, but being familiar with GM retirement luncheons, I find it unlikely they were drinking. See some additional details here: http://www.examiner.com/article/bernie-pyne-s-boss-others-testify-valedictorian-s-murder-trial

  21. Anyone Could have killed her, an angry neighbor, crazy person, hired murderer, maybe the husband, his mistress, her husband, anyone - That IS RESONABLE DOUBT!!!
    I do Believe the son is innocent, there is no history of violence, and in families/relations like that it is usually a lot of violence and hospital visits until one day it goes too far and victim get killed.
    Jeffrey´s girlfriend testifyed he never hurt her. He doesn´t seem to be a violent individual.
    Everyone reacts differently I dont burst out in tears and show my emotions it does not mean I don´t feel. When called to a Police Station you already expect bad news. Being taken to a Police station IS bad news.
    I hope we get the answer one day. Jeffrey never admitted to this and there is no evidence he did it. And no proof he is innocent, but I Think he is.

  22. Watched this on ID this evening. Usually things seem open and shut by the time the show is done. Not this one. Could he have done it? Yes. Something just doesn't ring true about this one though. I don't see either how they didn't find blood anywhere linked to him. The blisters looked like old blisters with skin picked off. Maybe from planting the lilac bushes 4 days earlier. Appeared to be shoveling blisters to me. I was skeptical on the planting of the lilac bushes police account of alibi since sometimes what someone interviewed says is way different from what police and media communicate. Is easy to see that he might have lost it, had pent up anger toward his mother which most of us would dealing with someone psychotic who refuses to take meds, so very easy to see that she might have provoked him and he lost it. However, with no evidence on clothes, car, or elsewhere in the house? I can't see that.

    Aside from that, the cases do happen where a complete stranger overkills. Listen to the stories of the family of Glen Rogers whose family believes he murdered Nicole Brown Simpson. He definitely overkilled him victims. Also had a friend shortly after high school who had a neighbor killed in her trailer house that was overkilled and toddler child left in the home all day with her dead mother until the father got home and discovered the body. Then there was the man released in TX who was last to see his wife spending 30 years in prison for her murder. They finally tested a bloody something found in his yard and it had the DNA of a man who had been convicted later of a separate crime in another state. It happens. So when they say overkill means it was someone close to the victim, well usually it is but we know that isn't always the case. Someone filled with rage, yes. Not always someone known closely by the victim.

    I don't know as much as you all since I first heard of it tonight, but from what was presented on ID 48 hrs I could not have convicted beyond reasonable doubt.

  23. Jeffrey's blisters were old not fresh, and what was shown on ID the skin was gone. Looked like shoveling blisters to me. If he bludgeoned his mother to death, some of that skin from the old blisters should have been at the scene unless he had picked it off prior to that.

    I put any stock in what Ruth's sister says. Police said she at first said it was Bernie. Now she is sure it is Jeffrey. She doesn't have anything to base that upon. Of course Ruth didn't deserve that. No-one does. That doesn't mean it was someone in the household. May have been, but just don't see how the police didn't find her blood transferred anywhere if it was Jeffrey unless they are completely totally inept.

  24. I dont believe Jeffery did it

  25. I just watched this case on I.D. The father on TV said he didn't let the little girl see her mother, he saw her and ran out immediately. Also, I read somewhere the little girl was afraid to practice the piano in front of the father, and in the TV show he was so proud of her piano playing, and is her "best pal." Something doesn't add up. The evidence was circumstantial, no blood, just bad lies it seems. So, as far as I can tell, and I've watched many crime shows, and know people who have gone to prison for killing and got only seven years! Since the mother had attacked Jeffrey before, was manic (I know how that can be because a "friend" tried to kill me out of the blue...scary) he could have killed her in a fit of passion in retaliation and I'm not sure if he had to go get a knife, but she stored knives...all I can say is he doesn't deserve a day over 7 yrs. and there should have been a plea deal. He could say he did it, and get a short sentence, even if he didn't do it. I think the father could have gotten someone to do it, after reading everything I could

  26. Jeffrey Pyne the spoiled punk got exactly what he deserved after taking the life of his mother who changed his dirty diapers, fed, and raised him. She obviously didn't hinder him from getting good marks in school. She weighed 105 pounds what kind of threat did she pose to this spoiled rotten punk. He should have gotten the death penalty for the brutality that he visited on her.

    1. And just what eveidence did you see that makes you know he did it? His own ex-girlfriend said she hit him and he never touched her, so why after all the years his mom had been ill and not taken her meds and was abusive to him did he kill her while she was on her meds and they were happy and working things out finally, Don't make sence that he would have killed her then and not when she was abusing him.....

    2. Michigan has never had the death penalty. Your logic is horribly flawed .

  27. I believe one or two people were burglarizing the garage, possibly trying to steal the motorcycle that was inside. (Testimony in the trial was brought up that a piece of wood that the motorcycle kickstand rested on was missing from the murder scene-perhaps this was one of the murder weapons) I believe it may be one or possibly two of the neighbors that may have been watching for Jeffrey to leave and entered the garage to steal property. Ruth may have heard noises and may have gone to the garage to check it out. Whoever killed Ruth wanted to make sure she was dead because they could be identified by Ruth, which makes me think it was one or two of the neighbors that disliked her, or any neighbors that could be identified. I believe Jeffrey is innocent and should get a new trial and I think the police should re-open the case and look for new suspects from the neighborhood.

    1. I believe he is not guilty , there are no real evidence showing that he was the one that killed his mother a man goes from being a sweet person ever hurting one person in his life to brutally murdering his mother! I'm sorry but sometimes the law is wrong and this is it what is his reason where's the evidence
      My prayers go out to the family and I hope he gets another trial

    2. And if the police weren't so fixated on convicting Jeffery, and put in some leg work, the answer to your questions would be answered. But nope, first it was the dad, now Jeffery, and I've said it more than once now, had Jeffery not had those blisters on his hands, because the lilacs being planted on said date could have easily been explained, so because of those blisters, day old blisters I might add, but blisters never the less, they alone convicted him, because there wasn't a shred of evidence, concrete or otherwise.

      And I can't say for certain he did it, but had I been a juror, I couldn't say without a shadow of a doubt that with the evidence that was before me was concrete , leaving me on the fence.
      I find it VERY hard to believe that Jeffery was that meticulous, leaving not a single solitary drop of DNA.

      They system failed him, his lawyer failed him, but most of all his father failed him.

      It's a VERY unfortunate incident, and his mother died a cruel and violent death, but justice wasñt served in this case, there's far too many unanswered questions, questions that deserve answers.

  28. It appears that the father did it. Check the time line. Son is afraid of father.

  29. If he hated his mother that much why not move out of the house and never talk to her again...just leave...

    1. Didn't you hear what his aunt said? "Someone had to be there to pick up the pieces..." He was a great brother and did not want to leave his little sister to the crazy woman. She was violent in addition to being negligent of the little girl. I don't think he hated his mother at all. He never fought back, when she attacked him. I think that he hated the crazy that had destroyed her.

  30. I just watched this on ID channel. I do not agree with the verdict. That is not to say he couldn't have carried out the murder, however I have reasonable doubt. And the jury should have as well.

  31. Wow! There was no forensic evidence! This was definitely a reasonable doubt case. So sad to think that maybe the police was so obsessed with convicting the son that the real killer got away. Yes it is reasonable to say that he had all this pent up rage toward his mother and finally snapped....but you need hard evidence to back this up and they had no evidence; yet he was convicted of murder! Just seen this episode on ID. Payed close attention to this because this happened in my home state. I'm appalled at the way this case was handled. It seems the police had tunnel vision and no matter what they were going to make him guilty. If this kid did do this...he must be very talented at getting every speck of blood off him, getting rid of the clothes, hiding the murder weapons and then going to work like it's a normal day.I thought it was evidence that convicted people ....not a theory!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I think he is innocent, the cops did not do there job they only pinned it on him. tell the cops to do there job

  34. The dad had established a relationship with another woman before all this had happened and the dad decided to workout his relationship with Ruth which had to end the dad relationship with this mysterious woman.
    I wonder why "what's called detectives" hadn't mention or investigate the only person who has motive to commit such an ugly disturbing crime and destroy someone's future because prosecutor, detectives and judge only want to move a case off their desk
    shameful system

  35. I really think Jeff did it.

    Now, yes, the lack of evidence in the case really does upset me. I mean, there was so much with Casey Anthony yet she was found not guilty. We sure don’t see a lot of fair justice in this world.

    But here where I may differ from some in this case..

    I still blame dad for this at the end of the day.

    I am a parent and if my husband was bi-polar and ever hurt my child, I would leave him. My childs safety would come first. PERIOD.

    She is only safe if she stays on her meds. But the simple fact that she tried to kill Jeff, my worry from that moment on would be “what if she stops taking them again”.
    I would not stick around to find out.

    There would be no way I would subject my son to a home where he was not safe. EVER.

    So, I do think Jeff killed his mom

    I blame the father for not protecting him and his daughter.

    Jeff had stated many times he wanted to leave the home. In fact some say he was free to leave since he was an adult. BUT… people forget his little sister remained.

    So what options does he have?

    Leave and know every day his sister is in danger..

    Or stay and be stuck in that environment never knowing

    So, I think either he just had enough that day or she said something that either was threatning to him or more likely his sister.

    Mom also had started keeping knives in her room (girlfriend testified to this)

    I think Jeff possibly saved his little sisters life. She would have been in danger in that home if mom ever decided not to take her meds again.

    Jeff really had no choice.

    I don’t think he deserves praise per say, but I do think he should have been held in a mental facility for a few years and provided counseling.

    I do not think he is a danger to society and do not agree to years in jail.

    Jeff would have likely been a great guy if he had been removed from that home years ago.

    Dad is responsible for not removing those kids from danger.

    Jeff should be free and should get counseling.

    1. I could not have said this any better myself and you are the only person who has stated this that I have found. I just watched this on ID so the case is fairly new to me.

    2. Here we are almost 5 years later, i just saw the story on a newer ID show, so i suppose nothing has changed and he still sits in prison. Which is awful, I completely agree with your post.

      I sincerely hope the govenor will give him a full pardon and completely expunge his record so he can be the productive member of society he would have been without having a mother who would violently attack him and refuse to get the help she needed. And you're so right, the self centered dad didn't even care to get his children away from this abusive, mentally ill woman, he only cared about his own needs so he seeks out a new woman. Forget about his children! The dad, Bernie, is almost as sick as the mom, but without the mental illness diagnosis. What a sad, sad situation!

      I pray someone begins a petition for the Governor to pardon him and his record to be expunged. He didn't deserve any of this!

  36. Jeff graduated as class valedictorian? My my, he was a brainy kid! It seems to me tt he had plenty of time to whack & stab away & clean up after he killed his momma.

    1. Oh so every class valedictorian must become killers, because they are so brainy? ��

  37. Cases like this and Casey Anthony are what's wrong with our justice system!!!
    There was forensic evidence against Casey....and she walked.
    There was ZERO forensic evidence against Jeffrey. ZERO and he gets 20 years???!!!
    How many other possible suspects were discarded because Jeff was an easy target.

  38. Can't truly say anything definite without knowing all the facts, but from what I do know he was wrongfully convicted because there is definitely reasonable doubt. Also in trial his attorney should have objected to his co-worker's testimony about trying to duplicate the blisters. He is not an expert. On that the blisters did not look fresh to me. Also his attorney should have at least called character witnesses. A miscarriage of justice. Stated at beginning, reasonable doubt.

  39. I am shocked that he was convicted. There was no physical evidence. Those blisters were probably from his job. I have had similar ones from performing similar work. His mother tormented and attacked him previously, and he never struck back! The jilted girlfriend said he was a convincing liar. Wow, does that surprise anyone? This guy should be freed; but his appeals have been denied. The biggest mistake was Jeffrey's dad staying with a crazy woman who abused at least one of her kids and neglected the little girl and, in fact, the whole family.

  40. Jeff has the meanest, coldest face I've seen in a while. And his mother sounded like a violent abuser. I believe he's guilty. There was a lot of evidence against him, especially the hot-blooded, angry method of murder. But I don't believe there was enough evidence to convict him. If I were on the jury, I'd want better forensic results, no matter what my gut feeling was.

    1. That hardened facial expression you're talking about came after Jeffrey's mother was murdered and he was charged with the crime...I'm sure that would be difficult for anyone to take, especially if they are innocent. I've seen lots of guilty-as-sin murderers have angelic expressions during their trials...Jeffrey has appeared to me to be someone who doesn't try to hide anything, whether it be his facial expressions, his blisters, etc. Guilty people try to hide things. I have a good friend who is an engineer and smart as anything, and he is always very serious-looking...from his facial expressions, you would almost wonder if he is a bit detached. Yet looks can be deceiving, because he is one of the most loyal and nurturing friends you could meet. He deeply cares about people, has sought out rescue animals to care for, and I believe he would die for both. Statistics show that the more intelligent people are, the more they tend to look for the good in people and care for others. I believe Jeffrey falls into this category...he was a brilliant person and student. He didn't leave home because he wanted to watch out for his sister, and notice his response about his mother when questioned by police: "I didn't have a problem with her. I just wanted her to take her medication." Again, a nurturing response. Even one of the jurors said in an interview that they had no doubt Jeffrey loved his mother. I believe Jeffrey would have died for his mother. It makes all the sense in the world to me that he didn't have tears over news of his mother's death, because he didn't have the best relationship with her, even though he cared about her. When my own grandpa died, I didn't shed a tear, because even though I cared about him, he never showed interest in having a relationship with me. The connection just wasn't there. And yet, I cared about him. They should've gotten an FBI profiler on this case, because the rationale that convicted Jeffrey was all over the place and not well investigated. I'm afraid it's yet another case of nailing a suspect and sealing up the case nice and neatly. Only this one was really messy. I feel very sorry for Jeffrey. I believe he is innocent and have no doubt in my mind he would be an asset to society.

    2. That hardened facial expression you're talking about came after Jeffrey's mother was murdered and he was charged with the crime...I'm sure that would be difficult for anyone to take, especially if they are innocent. I've seen lots of guilty-as-sin murderers have angelic expressions during their trials...Jeffrey has appeared to me to be someone who doesn't try to hide anything, whether it be his facial expressions, his blisters, etc. Guilty people try to hide things. I have a good friend who is an engineer and smart as anything, and he is always very serious-looking...from his facial expressions, you would almost wonder if he is a bit detached. Yet looks can be deceiving, because he is one of the most loyal and nurturing friends you could meet. He deeply cares about people, has sought out rescue animals to care for, and I believe he would die for both. Statistics show that the more intelligent people are, the more they tend to look for the good in people and care for others. I believe Jeffrey falls into this category...he was a brilliant person and student. He didn't leave home because he wanted to watch out for his sister, and notice his response about his mother when questioned by police: "I didn't have a problem with her. I just wanted her to take her medication." Again, a nurturing response. Even one of the jurors said in an interview that they had no doubt Jeffrey loved his mother. I believe Jeffrey would have died for his mother. It makes all the sense in the world to me that he didn't have tears over news of his mother's death, because he didn't have the best relationship with her, even though he cared about her. When my own grandpa died, I didn't shed a tear, because even though I cared about him, he never showed interest in having a relationship with me. The connection just wasn't there. And yet, I cared about him. An FBI profiler should have been put on this case, because the rationale that convicted Jeffrey was all over the place and not well investigated. I'm afraid it's yet another case of nailing a suspect and sealing up a case nice and neatly. Although this is a pretty messy one. I believe there have been two injustices done: the murder and the conviction. I feel very sorry for Jeffrey. I believe he is innocent and have no doubt he would be an asset to society.

  41. i cried when i saw this his case on tv, that tears that came out when his sister wrote for him to come back home, a person whom is so emosional like that couldnt have the heart to kill his own mother, just because he didnt show much emotion when they tell him that his mother was murdered, they raise a red flag is completely unacceptable....he is just a human being that is being judged simple because no feedback emotions during interrogation, i wud probably do the same thing if they told me that, i wouldnt have known how to react ...would not know how to digest another fact of our how our parents be killed....his family clearly needed him, they should have dig more to find the real killer ....not broke what has left of the family.

    1. His dad had already called him home to tell him his mother died, so he already knew she was dead. So digesting that information along with being questioned like a suspect, which he was, he was void of emotion, he was trying to be strong, for fear of he did show emotion, he'd ha e a breakdown.
      And your right, he'd been through so much by the time it came to sentencing, that when his father read the letter from his sister, a sister 12 years his junior that he cared deeply about,who he felt a sort of parental connection towards, he began to breakdown upon hearing her simple yet sincere words.

      I think a psychologist should have e been called to give professional opinion on the matter of emotion and how people react differently in a crisis.

      The system failed him, his lawyer failed him, but most of all his father failed him.

  42. How can people judge us for not showing EMOTION! THAT'S ME TOO! I did not cry for my beloved pet. I did not cry for my beloved husband and my father! I don't shed a tear for BIG THINGS and sometimes I CRY for a dumb bird being killed!!!! HOW CAN PEOPLE JUDGE OTHERS BECAUSE WE DON'T SHOW EMOTIONS! shit! what kind of people are there unqualified to do the job. When my husband died I got very angry!!!! how can people judge us for acting this way PEOPLE DON'T KNOW what is inside us! I hide in the closet when I cry out loud for that dumb bird! then I started laughing realizing that I really cried for so many other things that I stood strong and never cried and was storing it inside me. Not everyone shows emotions! this does not mean we don't feel!!! The girlfriend one time TOLD HIM TO MAN UP! SO HE DID!!! dumb jury! JURY PEOPLE NEED TRAINING! they opiate based on the LEADER of the jury! I've been one! THIS COUNTRY IS JUST LIKE OTHER UNFAIR COUNTRY!!! shame on YOU UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!! SHAME ON YOU! CORRUPTED JUST LIKE MY OWN COUNTRY!!! JEFFREY IS INNOCENT!

  43. What's wrong with you people? It's not okay to kill EVEN IF someone has a mental problem. It's not okay to kill period. May Mother rest in peace and may he live in Hell forever.

    1. There isn't one shred of evidence that he killed this woman and if cheating on a woman,having blisters on your hand or not being very emotional are proof that a person is a killer,then there are millions of people who could be convicted of murder.I got blisters from handling pallets at a warehouse when I was young and he looked to be in shock when the police told him his mother had been murdered.Then after not proving this case they throw in a lesser included offense...............very lame and very shabby.

    2. It's not okay to kill, but it is okay to actually wish an eternity of torment in hell upon this kid? I'm confused... perhaps attend extremely different churches.

    3. What part of the INVESTIGATION people don't understand????
      Crime scene investigators, on the day of the murder, combed Jeffrey Pyne's car for physical traces of the murder. They found nothing. A forensic analysis of Jeffrey's clothing also produced negative results.

      DAHHH!!!! JEFFREY IS INNOCENT!!!! what is THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF _______ are going to say after all the years Jeffrey was innocent??? how is the PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF _____ going to pay back each day without his DAD or LITTLE SISTER!!!!

  44. Too many disturbing events in this man's trial & too small a forum to tackle them all. The proper forum should have been the courtroom, but I don't think that was the case. This young man was convicted because of blisters & lilac bushes. Blisters & lilac bushes! I could attempt to debate the ridiculousness of that, however, everyone here seems intelligent enough to have worked out the many different problems the prosecution SHOULD have had presenting that as evidence. I'm curious: why did the judge allow the testimony of a co-worker of Jeffrey's (and a kid) be presented to the jury as some sort of "expert testimony" because he threw a few pallets around for while trying to exactly duplicate blisters which the defendant had. Again, I want to argue how ridiculous this is, but again, everyone here seems pretty intelligent. I do want to say that the judge should never have allowed the jury to hear the co-workers testimony, or should have at least instructed the jury that his testimony was not that of an expert, nor was it, in fact, in any way scientific! I'm also curious why the judge allowed the "11th- hour 2nd degree murder charge." It should have been evident to everyone in thaf courtroom- particularly the judge & jury- that the prosecution knew it had lost its case & as such, threw in a lesser charge at the last minute. I'm starting to come a little unglued now, apologies. I just cant quite believe that this judge was ever even an attorney, much less a law student! I'm not even going to speculate about the motives or lack of knowledge of constitutional law of the appellate court in this case. The judge allowed this (good) kid to get railroaded. Adding insult to injury, he sentenced Jeffrey to 20-60 years when he could have given him as few as seven. There are some serious constitutional injuries here. One more case of "if ever there should be reasonable doubt" for The Innocence Project- with whom I hope the family is working!

    1. My rant was similar to yours.

      The kid was soley convicted on the blisters he had in his hands, and a time frame on planted lilac bushes, that right there could have been argued as a misunderstanding.

      With absolutely NO forensic evidence, not a miniscule, not to mention he'd have to be EXTREMELY meticulous- he's by all accounts, with the exception of ONE negative character reference from a woman scorned, but he was a good kid, who was patient and loving, his sister can attest to that, and even with the problems he was dealing with at home, he still managed to maintain good grades, hold a job, work small jobs for teachers and neighbors, all people who should have been called to stand in defense of this young man. His lawyer AND the police force for that matter failed Jeffery, no and's if's about it.

      I can't say for certain whether he killed his mother or not, but I do know that had I been a juror I would not have been able to convict on reasonable doubt.

      And as for emotions, that utter bullsh*t, EVERYONE reacts different in a crisis, and there you go AGAIN, why wasn't a psychologist called in to give expert opinion on the topic.

      It's REALLY scary to think that if you're close to someone, ie:mother, father, spouse, sibling, child, and a trauma occurs, that your whole life could change in the flash of a eye.

      Rants over, for now...HA HA HA

    2. I feel the girl did it. Probably Jefferey is defending his sister

  45. Amen! My friend. This was an unfair trial. No beyond a reasonable doubt.

  46. Way too much reasonable doubt. I kind of felt like he did it because of the blisters and the bushes but if he did do, why wouldn't he have claimed self defense. With the moms history it seems like he could have proved it so it brings up even more reasonable doubt for me. And if I was wrong, do I really think he is a danger to anyone else? No, it seems that he would go on to lead a productive life.

  47. His conviction was purely circumstantial. He says the media blew his mother's bi-polar condition way out of proportion. That she only hurt him about 3 times in all those years but the media acted like it happened all the time and that he lost it and killed his mother. I don't buy it. There is no DNA evidence anywhere.

  48. It sounds like Ruth spent quite a bit of time in the hospital in the psychiatric ward and the first thing I thought of was perhaps someone she had come across during one of her stays and got out just like she got out could have caused this crime

  49. We all know that people with delusional emotions have been known to commit suicide. Psych patients commit suicides everyday and possibly stage the suicide. Just look at the Illinois cop they called GI joe. That guy shot himself twice and killed himself with a bullet proof vest!! hmmm people do stab themselves. She could have fallen and cracked her skull and broken the arm. I am just saying.. nobody ruled out suicide.hmmm These defenders were horrible! They should give up their law degree.

  50. We all know that people with delusional emotions have been known to commit suicide. Psych patients commit suicides everyday and possibly stage the suicide. Just look at the Illinois cop they called GI joe. That guy shot himself twice and killed himself with a bullet proof vest!! hmmm people do stab themselves. She could have fallen and cracked her skull and broken the arm. I am just saying.. nobody ruled out suicide.hmmm These defenders were horrible! They should give up their law degree.

  51. I believe this was a horrible investigations. while watching this on 48 hours I noticed they didnt check out many suspects like they husbands ex girlfriend, the neighbors, and a few others. Its also pretty crazy that the only true thing they had to pin on the son was the blisters. Many people blister easier than others and if your beating someone with an object that couldve been wood most likely it wouldnt have caused blisters that quickly. Sadly this case probably won't be reopened. I hope and Pray they do because i believe the real killer of the wife of that family is still out there.

  52. You are totally correct. Prayer may help to get him some help. I don't think he is guilty, but I have no idea who is.

  53. Having watched this on 48 Hrs, I have to agree with so many others here that this was an unjust case. Nowhere near enough evidence to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

  54. I just watched the 48 Hours and read some of the stories. If I was on the jury, I would not have been able to convict even on the 2nd degree charge. Too many holes in the case eve if he did do it.

  55. This case had no definite proof. I think it was a rush to judgement. Those blisters did not look fresh. Why wasn't there a doctor to testify to that? Just some kid that said it wasn't possible. He wasn't a professional wound care doctor! His ex girlfriend said he was an effortless liar but he had never been abusive her? A liar and blisters do not a murderer make. No blood in the house, his car or on his clothes. How in God's name did they have enough evidence to even get enough evidence for an arrest warrant? People like oj and Casey Anthony were acquitted but Jeffry pyne is found guilty!!! I am losing faith very quickly in our judicial system.

  56. The neighbor very clear said that Jeffrey work hard on Monday. I have worked with shovels and blisters get full of water when healing then suddenly burst if you accidentally grab the pallets. When the busted Jeffrey man up and pulled the protective old skin off then drying up process those blisters had white drying skin. HOW CAN STUPID POLICE CONFUSE THIS PROCESS! Accusing an innocent just to have credit! Shame on you F prosecutors!!!! You destroyed jeffrey'life his sister and father. Jeffrey. I hope you get compensated for all wasted time of your Young years. I think of all the innocent people serving unjustly for zUnqualified JUDGES JURORS ETC. THIS SYSTEM SUCKS😩

  57. If there was such questionable evidence, why didn't the judge give him the minimum 7 years? Never go before a jury of your peers...

  58. I Do not Belive Jeffery Pyne Killed his Mother.
    I think you should go further into the Family Tree and the outside
    Relationship of the Father and Jeffery's Ex Girlfriend.

  59. He didn't do it and I pray for his family's sake he will get a new trial Sohe van be with his family I feel for him and his family and it makes me so sick that he got put in jail with no evidence towards him

  60. Quite a shame. I don't know if Jeffrey killed her or not, but there is no proof he did. Plenty of reasonable doubt. He should not have gone to prison for this.

  61. Seems like dirty attorney tactic to ask permission for 2nd degree murder charges...at the end ...when it was obvious to the attorney the case didn't have evidence to prove they have the right person. This case reeks of manupliation flaws in our justice system. Its injustice and disturbing!

  62. As someone else said above, I blame the Father for all of this if anyone in the family did this. His responsibility was to keep his children safe above all else. He failed miserably and the selfish bast*rd went on to have an affair to keep HIMSELF sane so between that and work, he was fine. The kids were left at the mercy of their mother. At the very least, he should have had the kids live with another relative if he thought it was maybe too dangerous to leave his wife. If Jeffrey did do it, I don't blame him. I blame his father.

  63. I have read everything I can on this from here in the UK. I think he was let down badly by his own council I get the impression they thought it was a walk in the park so called nobody even character witness at very least.
    How can a set judicinal system be changed and allowed by the judge at the last moment when the jury would not commit on 1st degree so they would have acquitted him, which is what they should have done.
    With the technology we have no crime is committed leaving no evidence particularly one of such violent nature. As said nothing on his shoes, his clothes, his car. Luminal brings up the tiniest amount invisible to the eye there would have been something. Who's hair did she have in her hand again DNA would be there.
    If she had the tendency to be violent it was not necessary a family member but she could have gone crazy she would have scratched most likely DNA under nails if you had a clump of hair she was close enough for this person to be covered in blood not the small amount they say was in sink.
    So was it the father hoping his son would get off. He gets insurance money and no time served now that's an incentive isn't it.
    His girlfriend biggest reason
    Or the neighbour who they had run ins in the past
    Why were none of these people tested for DNA
    I get the impression the police wanted this case closed for what ever reason except the right one.

    With regards how people act I cried buckets at my fathers funeral and other relatives. My mother who I found deceased nothing why because she had been a drunk and destroyed our family by telling stories to one or the other then sat back and watched the fireworks. So although I loved her when I found her I didn't cry but just thought it's over she can't be bitter any longer. So people do react differently.
    With his council not doing their job regardless to how easy they thought it would be and provide no witnesses and then to have 2nd degree added or not get a conviction I can't understand why legally he is not getting a retrial.

    I hope he does because the one person who needs him is his sister. The father should have been long gone the moment those children were in danger and hiding knives and strangling or trying to is danger.

  64. My sentiments exactly. It was not a fair trial.

  65. Jeffrey Pyne is innocent of the death of his mother. The innocence project is looking into his case and hopefully they will get the case overturned. Jeffrey has gotten married this year to a woman from Australia, who he has been with for several years and who has helped bring his case to light and has given him love and support. The judicial system is flawed, corrupt and Jeffrey did not receive a fair trial.

  66. If the mother was diagnosed with bi-polar in 1998 and was abusive and violent due to not taking her drugs, why did her husband have another child with her? It wasn't bad enough that the older son had to live through hell, the father needed to drag another child through the mud?

  67. How can they say he didn't have enough of a reaction.? He was clutching his head and shaking his head...not everyone is going to fall on the floor and scream & cry. Also, who would call Jeff's ex girlfriends testimony relevant? She was obviously very scorned and burned by a first love and teen romance gone bad. Then she went on to say that she hit him and laughed about it. What the heck???? This poor guy. There was no blood in his car or on his person. They always find a microscopic amount of blood evidence. Horrible jury decision.... I feel so sorry for his younger sister. He was like a parent to her. He was such a bright young man & deserves so much more.....

  68. My feelings are completely the same. I think it was a total injustice.

  69. There was a time when circumstantial evidence was NOT enough to convict someone of murder. Now, more and more DAs salivate over circumstantial cases. Given the advances in forensics, it seems obvious that the standard of proof should be higher, not lower - especially in murder cases. Personally. I think it is quite possible that he committed the crime. But, if I had been serving on the jury, I would have had no choice but to vote to acquit. I understand why he might have done it - but that's not good enough to take away someone's liberty.

  70. Don't you think if he did it and being so intelligent he would try to plead for self defense? Rather than tough it out and hope for the best. I think people would have felt sorry for him, and would have given him a better chance to get off. I don't think he did it.

  71. It is unfair to judge a person for not showing feelings! I hate DRAMA PEOPLE. I show no feelings when a dear one of mine dies I am quiet I dont show my feelings in fact I am actually angry. Thinking WHY GOD? Why God? DOES this means I AM convicted if convicted if I’m a suspect? System is totally wrong!

  72. You don’t get blisters by hitting a 2x4 a few times!!! The blisters had some white arrownd it caused by the previous rubbing the shovel planting the flowers few days before blisters create water between the new skin when he was lifting pallets the blisters pop open and he pull the protective old skin causing the new skin to be very sensitive so he wrapped them to keep working. Then he got arrested Police TWIST the facts to get credits making up false stories convicting innocent people!!! The killer is someone else!

  73. I cannot believe Jeffrey is still in Jail! How many innocent people are serving in jail for corrupted system? Jury takes a whole semester to understand. All people chosen are unprepared and follow the leader to get off fast.

  74. The fact they had a ex-girlfriend to testify is a joke, the defense should have torn her to pieces. The prosecution never prove he was at the scene of the crime. This should have been a easy acquittal for the defense, but now this guy is in prison because his defense was terrible.

  75. That girl's testimony had nothing to do with why he was on trial and her testimony hung him. There was no blood on him or his truck, no evidence whatsoever on his mother, not DNA period, no eye witness, nothing. Incredible in this country how someone like him with not even a traffic ticket could end up in prison for so many years. I am appalled.

  76. And I agree, his defense was terrible.

  77. Its obviously the father. Completely makes sense why he broke down hearing the father read the letter at trial.
    I cant imagine: being wrongfully convicted and havinh NO ONE to turn to and the only way to see his true family (the sister) is through the murderer (father)

  78. He did not claim the blisters came from planting lilacs. That is incorrect. He claimed he lost some skin on his hands when he was lifting pallets at his workplace. Source: audio from police interviewing Jeffrey.

  79. My main point in all of this is, the son did not receive a verdict, "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt". He did not get a fair trial. Circumstancial evidence is not hard evidence. I do not know how he was convicted at all.

  80. I wondered all the same things. If the mother was off her meds maybe she spouted off to the wrong person, neighbor or someone else, and someone killed her.

  81. Regarding the question about "the garage door and lack of blood on the doorknob" my understanding is that her body had fallen in a position where a)she was blocking it from being able for it to be opened enough for someone to leave out of it and b) the detectives said with her bleeding profusely by the door, had it been opened and her blood would have been on the underside edge of the door and it wasn't. Which makes sense.

    Yes, the hair in her hand should have been tested, I'm sure it's her killers, and could even explain if she attacked him first, (again) if he's her killer.

    As for whether or not he's guilty, I don't know. But even if he did do it, enduring over a decade of constant verbal and physical abuse could have pushed him to his breaking point. 20 years is absurd and then to a have such a lifetime stain on his record after he gets out is just as awful. I feel for him, sounds he had horrible legal representation, which sound entitle him to a new trial, or I hope a Govenor will give him a full pardon and expungment. Perhaps someone could start a petition......

  82. All you need to know about the case and actual facts about the case are on the Free Jeffrey Pyne face book page. Jeffrey's wife runs the page and keeps the public updated on the case and progress. The Innocence Project has been working on the case for the last 3 yrs, they are apparently close to getting Jeffrey Free. https://www.facebook.com/freejeffreypyne1/

    1. I truly hope so. I corresponded with Jeffrey for about a year and a half and I still don't believe there was enough evidence to give that young man 20 years in prison or even find him guilty for that matter. I hope he is found innocent and the Innocence Project gets him a new trial or gets him freed. He told me the press had blown all out of proportion the amount of times his mother abused him.

  83. I worked with jeff. At a factory called liquid manufacturing. I trained with him . watched him get arrested as well.

    1. What did you think of Jeffrey as a person? Do you think he could commit the murder of his mother?

    2. If he did not do it,, he was not to unhappy it happened.

  84. I do think he did it, but I think manslaughter, why was he left to deal with his mentally ill mother, it was not his responsibility, it was his father's. And definitely his father's to protect him and his sister, and not leave them there to have ti deal with their mother. Doesnt anyone see that.

    1. I totally agree with u. He should not have been charged with murder. This poor kid dealt with years of extreme abuse. Something happened that day and he just lost it.

  85. I believe that Jeffrey did indeed commit this act. It was a very personal attack by someone filled with rage. This was not a robbery gone bad or a stranger killing. However I feel that Jeffrey was an abused and tortured kid for years by his mother. Something happened that day by her and he just lost it. I truly think he would be safe out in society. But to say he didn't actually do this is a stretch.

    1. I think if you researched it you would find cases where murderers killed strangers in a similar fashion - beat and stabbed way more than necessary in fits of rage even though they didn't know the victim. ...The James Bulger case comes to mind.

  86. If Jeffrey did it then where are his bloody clothes and bloody shoes? Where are the murder weapons? How did he do this crime without getting blood in the car or anything? How did he clean up so well?

    I don't really get how someone can be convicted of murder without any concrete physical evidence like DNA on the murder weapon or DNA under nails or something like that. The only evidence was: he had blisters which he could have gotten from using a shovel to plant lilac bushes, followed by moving palettes at work. Blisters on a person who does manual labour just isn't enough evidence for a murder conviction.

  87. Where the weapons? Where’s the blood evidence on anything of Jefferys? Who saw him enter work? Those blisters were older and the skin was all that was gone. No bleeding no water not to tender. The girlfriend was a woman scorned. Did mom piss someone off when she went out? Clearly she was not functioning on a level that was ax
    Cceptable in society. Maybe someone followed her in a road type rage? Where is the crime scenes forensic results? Any cameras in the neighborhood? I think the conviction was wrong. They would have acquitted? How is that answer even acceptable if they were seated by lesser charge? I smell fish and it’s not McDs fish fillet😯😷🤠

  88. I have to agree with everyone. I think the police didn't have a clue who done the murder and railroad a good kid. Why didn't anyone see him with the weapons and the bloody clothes? If she was bipolar she could have done it to herself if she thought something was crawling around in her body and didn't stop until she lost too much blood. Just a opinion

  89. If the blisters were older why would he still bandage them. Makes no sense. If he works with pallets why he doesn't wear gloves. Either he digged a hole to hide the bloody clothes or to pretend that he worked hard that day.

  90. It was the 1 armed man who killed Ruth? You find this man & you will have your killer.

  91. The father had alibi’s for one so for all of you to say the father did it it’s called checking on alibis for Jeffery he did it he’s a murder
