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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Shane Absalon Murder Case

     In 1984, 17-year-old Shane Absalon lived in a Fort Worth, Texas apartment building with his parents. Ginger Hayden, a year older than him lived in the same apartment complex with her mother. She and Absalon had attended the same high school in Fort Worth. On September 4, 1984, after starting class at the University of Texas at Arlington (situated halfway between Fort Worth and Dallas) Ginger, her boyfriend Jeff Green and Shane Absalon were gathered in her mother's apartment drinking beer and watching television.

     At 6:15 the next morning Ginger Hayden's mother, Sharon Hayden Harvey, was awaken by the ringing of Ginger's alarm clock. When she entered the bedroom to see why Ginger hadn't turned off her alarm Sharon Harvey discovered her daughter lying on the floor next to her bed in a pool of blood. The hysterical mother dialed the operator and screamed, "My baby's dead!"

     According to the Tarrant County forensic pathologist who performed the autopsy, Ginger Hayden had been stabbed 57 times with a kitchen knife and had bled to death. Wounds on the victim's arms and hands suggested she had put up a fight.

     Detectives with the Fort Worth Police Department questioned Shane Absalon on September 12, 1984. Absalon said that Ginger and her boyfriend were in the apartment when he left the place at 11:30 that night. When asked if he was willing to take a polygraph test Absalon said that he would. But the next day, stating that he was acting on the advice of his attorney, the suspect declined to submit to the lie detector examination.

     For whatever reason the investigation of Ginger Hayden's brutal murder ground to a halt and died on the vine. In the meantime Shane Absalon, during the two years following the homicide, turned into a drunk and drug abuser with a history of arrests for crimes such as burglary, arson and assault. In July 1986 he pleaded guilty in Tarrant County to smashing a vehicle with a club while intoxicated. The judge sentenced him to a one-year period of probation. Pursuant to his sentence he was ordered to enter a drug and alcohol treatment program in Richardson, Texas called Straight Inc. (This outfit was later closed down following charges of patient abuse.)

     In 2001, 18 years after Ginger Hayden's murder, cold-case investigators in Fort Worth re-opened the investigation which focused on Shane Absalon as the prime suspect. Detectives believed that he had murdered Hayden after she refused to have sex with him. Among other evidence of his guilt a neighbor had seen the suspect, after he said he had left his apartment that night, climb over a fence and knock on the victim's sliding patio door. But the police needed more, and it wasn't until 2009 that they had enough evidence to support his arrest. After acquiring DNA samples from Mr. Absalon, forensic experts were able to link him to the murder scene.

     On August 20, 2010 Shane Absalon was taken into custody at his home in Sierra Vista, Arizona where he lived with his wife and young child. At the time he was working as a welder. A month later a grand jury sitting in Fort Worth indicted Absalon for capital murder. If convicted, he would be automatically sentenced to life in prison. Because he had been a juvenile at the time of the murder the defendant was not eligible for the death penalty. Moreover, under the applicable 1984 law, the 43-year-old would be eligible for parole after serving 20 years of his sentence.

     Word of Shane Absalon's arrest reached at least three former patients who were treated with him in 1986 for alcohol and drug abuse at Straight Inc. These people had attended group therapy sessions with Absalon. The news of his arrest for Ginger Hayden's murder prompted the former patients to tell the Fort Worth police that during a group therapy session two years after the murder he had confessed to killing a girl he knew. (Why didn't these former drug-alcohol patients inform the police immediately after Absalon's group therapy confession?)

     Shane Absalon's trial got underway on September 17, 2012. Following the testimony of a DNA analyst who linked the defendant to the murder scene, the prosecutor put three of the former Straight Inc. patients on the stand to state their recollections of the defendant's group therapy confession. (Absalon's attorney Gary Udashen objected to the introduction of this evidence but was overruled by the judge.)

     The first Straight Inc. witness, Sean Garrett informed the jurors that "He [the defendant] told me he was angry. He told me he wanted more of a relationship with her [the victim], that he wanted to be more than just friends. Her response was no, and he was real embarrassed. He stabbed her until he was tired and thought she was dead. His intentions were to kill her." According to this witness, after stabbing Hayden to death, Absalon cleaned up in the bathroom, threw his jacket and shoes in a nearby trash bin and went back to his apartment.

     Former patient Stefany Knight took the stand and said, "Shane stood up to admit to wrongdoing when he was high on heroin. He said he killed a girl...stabbed her with a knife." Michele Valencia, the third Straight, Inc. witness, testified that Absalon's confession had made her physically ill.

     Defense attorney Gary Udashen, in cross-examining Michele Valencia got her to admit that members of the rehabilitation center's poorly trained staff had pressured patients into confessing to crimes and former bad behavior. In this witness' opinion some patients made false confessions just to please staff members running the group therapy sessions. "There was some brainwashing going on...I learned to conform. I had to get out," she said.

      Defense attorney Udashen, in addressing the crime scene DNA evidence in his closing remarks to the jury, referred to unidentified semen on the victim's bed quilt and unidentified blood and tissue under Hayden's fingernails. The fact the defendant's DNA was in the apartment was not surprising because he had been there many times. Suggesting that Ginger Hayden had been murdered by a serial killer who had been loose in the Fort Worth area at the time of her death, the defense attorney said, "The person who killed Ginger Hayden is still out there, and the police need to find that person. That person is not Shane Abalson."

     On September 21, 2012, the jury, following a short deliberation, found the defendant guilty of capital murder. Shane Absalon looked stunned after the foreman of the jury read the verdict. The convicted man's wife ran out of the courtroom in tears. Absalon would not eligible for parole until after the 45-year-old turned 65.  


  1. I think he should have got life without no parole.

    1. I agree! I actually think he should have received death!!

    2. But if he recieved a death sentance he wouldnt suffer for as long as he is right now.

  2. Since she was pregnant, why didn't they charge him on two accounts?

    1. Fetus not considered a life until born.

  3. That's a criminal

    For whatever reason, the investigation of Ginger Hayden's brutal murder ground to a halt and died on the vine. In the meantime, Shane Absalon, during the two years following the homicide, turned into a drunk and drug abuser with a history of arrests for crimes such as burglary, arson, and assault. In July 1986, he pleaded guilty in Tarrant County to smashing a vehicle with a club while intoxicated. The judge sentenced him to a one-year period of probation. Pursuant to his sentence, Absalon was ordered to enter a drug and alcohol treatment program in Richardson, Texas called Straight Inc. (This outfit was later closed down following charges of patient abuse.)

  4. There is no end to the sadness and devastation of lives affected by drug addictions. For those who are in the struggle, it is important to know that heroin recovery is possible and lives can be saved by taking that first step.

  5. all the people who knew including his friend should have told it was murder/no pity for a sick murderer poor girl /a simple case of if i cant have you no one can

  6. Heroin addiction clearly leads to criminal acts; whether it's stealing to fund the addiction or acting out in a way someone would not if they were sober, this article is a compelling reason to try to get addicts the treatment they need.

    1. Heroin addiction is aweful,but, the effects of heroin are not violent acts. Heroin is an opiate that causes drowsiness, nodding. This fact was not even addressed at trial.

  7. I am one of the persons that testified. Jim Fisher says it was a mystery why no one from Straight told on Shane. You would have to understand Straight and how it worked to understand that. As a first phaser at the time, I could not use a phone, or go anywhere without a higher phaser being attached to my belt loop. We were locked in the building for 12-14 hours a day with no access to the outside world. We were also theatened regarding the anonymity of the discussion. If we were somehow able to tell, we would most likely get "started over." This program (Straight) was mentally and physically abusive. When I got out, I thought about telling, but then I didn't know who he killed or where it happened. I just knew Shane admitted to killing someone. In hindsight, I wish I would've come forward with that information. But I feel better that myself and a few others came forward when we saw the arrest.

  8. Really Michelle??? Were you the one that invited Shane to come live with you for a year after he supposedly brutally killed a young girl and did not tell her mother...Really??? Who does that!?

    1. The above comment is confusing, but it brought me back to this site, as I get notified when anything is posted. I find it interesting that the author of the original story rewrote it last year! Jim Fisher, if you want the truth, contact me!

  9. This case would make a great true crime novel! if someone would like to hear what was NOT presented to the jury, and would like to investigate and write the story, contact me. Maybe if all the facts were out there justice would be served.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Now there's some real compassion.

  12. I agree. We are still trying to get to the bottom of this case. We need an investigative reporter or journalist. So much the defense attorney didn't bring up to the jury. We are now waiting g for a miracle.

  13. Not only should he spend the rest of his murdering sorry life in prison he should have received the death penalty!!! Where is the compassion for Ginger and her family!!! He was a no good mean SOB in high school!!!

    1. I am so grateful I have a loving and merciful God. I am sorry you are filled with such venom. Unless you were to know more of the story, I guess it is fair for you to feel
      vindictive. I suppose there were many who hated Paul the apostle in his day, but God used him mightly. I have compassion for Ginger and her family, but two wrongs don't make a right. It is two very tragic situations.

    2. I hope you are blessed with goodness and love.

    3. • You don’t know me or my relationship with the Lord. I also know the story very well! I along with many others waited for years to see justice served for Ginger! I knew both Shane and Ginger! He was a mean hateful person in high school when he killed Ginger and he is right where he should be!!

    4. I will pray the Lord forgives you for supporting a murderer! You should know that the 10 Commandments say Thall shall not kill!!!!

    5. I do not mean to make any assumptions about you or your spiritual condition. I met Shane after he gave his life to the Lord so I understand our differences in our relationship to him. Praise God for his mercy.

  14. Sharon was my sister in law. If ¨Lori¨ is Shanes wife...you need to move on with your life. I´m sorry your life was also destroyed by this man. If still alive, I will be at his parole hearing to ensure he never gets out.

    1. Lori is not Shane's wife, I was at the time of this case and yes I have moved on with my life. That being said, my blood is boiling right now with the judgemental comments being made when you do not have all the facts.
      Fact: There was unidentified male DNA under Gingers finger nails which is evidence of a struggle.
      Fact: The DNA evidence the prosecution had in this case was 1 pubic hair found by the toilet in the bathroom and a "small drop" of blood on a towel found in the bathroom that were Shane's.
      Fact: DNA was not even being studied in 1984.
      Fact: Shane was a 17 year alcoholic/addict with anger management issues at the time of the murder.
      Fact: There was NO DNA evidence found on Ginger's body or in her room that was Shane's.
      Fact: There was unidentified semen found on her bed....not Shane's.
      Fact: Ginger was in the early stages of pregnancy and the baby was NOT Shane's.
      Fact: There were similar murders in Fort Worth at the time that were considered serial murders.
      Fact: I was 7 years old in 1984, Shane is 10 years older than me. So I do not know who murdered her, I just have the evidence and was married to Shane in 2006 after we had dated for 3 years, at which time he was a Christian man and 18 years sober.
      Fact: I have an education in nursing as well as forensics, mybmother is a Forensic Nurse and my Father is a retired Police Officer.
      Fact: No DNA evidence was found on Shane or in his apartment to tie him to the murder scene.
      Fact: Ginger and Shane were friends and Shane was known to have spent time to include having dinner, hang out, etc multiple times at her apartment with her and her mother.
      Fact: The human body sheds over 100 hairs every 24 hours.
      Now let me pose some questions:
      Question: How many 17 year old drug addict/alcoholics do you know of that are careful enough and smart enough to leave no DNA anywhere other than what I listed as fact above? Especially when DNA was not even known about at that time!?
      Question: What is the likelihood that someone could stab another person 57 times with evidence of a struggle and not one bit of DNA from the murderer be left at the immediate scene IE: her bedroom or body?
      Question: What is the probability that you have left a pubic hair by a toilet?
      Question: Have you ever had a scab on your hand and had it bleed when you wash your hands?
      Read about Strait Inc, read the comments of people who went through their program, not just the 3 from this case. Do some research...I have.
      Now, use some common sense, not your emotions, and look at the FACTS and answer those questions. Can you tell me with 100% certainty, having the facts and not speculation or hearsay, that he murdered her? Again, leave your opinion and emotion out of it when you answer please.
      It does NOT add up and again I am Nurse with education in forensics not to mention my family's education and professions.
      Please, you are not God, do not judge. Karma will come back to all of us!
      Gingers murder was tragic and I pray for her and her family and friends. I cannot even begin to imagine what they have gone through. Two families suffered horrible tragedies because of her muder....the Haydens as well as Shane's (mine). A woman lost her daughter and 3 children had their stripped from them. It is all a loss that did not need to happen. I know the man I married and I have heard from his mouth what he was like when he was younger and yes he was an angry stupid teenager who had an addiction problem.....that does not make him a murderer. He is a good man and knowing the facts I know as well as the research I and my family have done in regards to this case, he is innocent and Gingers murderer is still out there. I pray the real murderer is dead but if not I know he will be judged by God and he will get punished then. I also know Shane will be judged by God and He knows the truth.

    2. Fact: My wife was in the Straight program. She has been telling me for years that a guy named Shane admitted to hiding in a closet and killing a girl.
      Fact: You married a liar and a murderer.

  15. I met Shane Absalon in 2010 while we were both awaiting extradition. He had me call his wife and mother as soon as Texas came for him. I must say that I found him to be polite and amicable. I was horribly disappointed by the articles and caseload written about him. Holy Shit! Who stabs someone 57 times? And for something so slight? He's in the right place. I feel bad for his wife and mom and kids. If ever they need my insight, call or write me. My number will be made available.

    1. Long time past but this man is innocent. First lawyer ineffective.

  16. Ineffective assistance of counsel is measured by the two prongs of the Stickland test; no such standard was met. Innocent men don't confess to small groups in a rehab. I've read EVERY page of the cause against him AND in his favor. Not innocent. Not at all. Nothing emeliorated the circumstances.

  17. 28 March 2022 - Some clown anonymously emailed and told me a ton of claptrap about what an innocent little angel Shane was. Nonsense. Shane is 100000000% guilty. Otherwise he would have his appeals. I'm sure when the appeals court stopped laughing they felt justified in affirming Shane's guilt, and here's why:
    Shane is guilty of guilty guilt; the guiltiest guilty guilt that anyone could barely imagine. MURDER! What kind of sorry bastard does what he did? Useless bag of filth. Addict? Drunk? So? Millions of people are addicts and drunks that DON'T murder little girls who have their lives ahead of them. Shane is where he belongs, fellating inmates and being sodomized willingly. That's who he is. Murdering bastards get found out. When they die, they burn in hell. Shane will, no doubt, burn in the furthest reaches of hell. For his lies. For his greed. For his WILLFUL addictions. For stripping the life from that adorable young woman. Justice IS Shane burning in hell. If you defend a guilty murderer, you are NO different and you WILL share his fate one day.
