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Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Alisha Noel-Murray Murder-For-Hire Case

     Omar Murray, a Jamaican-born ironworker resided with his wife Alisha Noel-Murray in a Brooklyn row-house owned by Alisha's mother. The couple, married three years, had moved into the Brownsville neighborhood in early 2012. Omar was thirty-seven. His wife, a home health aide with Visiting Nurse Service of New York was just twenty-five. A religious man, Omar regularly attended the Full Gospel Assembly of God Church in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn.

     On Sunday, February 24, 2013 as Omar Murray entered his Lott Avenue house at one in the afternoon he was approached by a man who shot him once in the chest. The victim stumbled into the house and collapsed in the entrance hallway. At the time of the shooting his wife Alisha was in the house recovering from surgery. She locked herself in her bedroom and called 911. Mr. Murray died a few hours after being rushed by ambulance to the Brookdale University Hospital.

     The next day New York City Detectives arrested three local men in connection with the murder. Dameon Lovell told interrogators that the dead man's wife had been his lover. Together they had come up with the idea of having Omar murdered in a staged robbery. The 29-year-old murder-for-hire co-mastermind said that Alisha Noel-Murray wanted to cash in on her husband's two life insurance policies.

     In 2009, shortly after they were married, the couple took out a policy with National Benefit for $530,000. Sometime later Mr. Murray's life was insured for an additional $150,000.

     Kirk Portious, a 25-year-old with a history of violent crime confessed to being the hit-man. The prosecutor charged Portious and Dameon Lovell with first-degree murder. The third man taken into custody, 22-year-old Dion Jack, drove the getaway vehicle. He was charged with hindering prosecution. The judge set his bail at $5,000. Portious and Lovell were held without bond in the jail on Riker's Island.

     Funeral services for the murder victim were held at the Full Gospel Assemble of God Church on Friday night, March 8, 2013. Omar Murray's widow, who had not been charged with a crime sat in the front pew chewing gum. Omar's uncle, in speaking to a New York Daily News reporter outside the Crown Heights church, said, "To see her [Alisha] sitting there with her crocodile tears makes me sick. We know she killed our Omar. Where is the justice?"

     Alisha Noel-Murray, to the same reporter, said, "I'm not hiding from no one....This is ridiculous."

     In June 2016 Alisha Noel-Murray was charged with first-degree murder in connection with Mr. Murray's death. Both life insurance companies refused to pay benefits on the ground local prosecutors had charged her as a murder-for-hire mastermind. She sued the National Benefit Life Insurance company and lost.

     Portious and Lovell awaited their murder trials while incarcerated on Riker's Island.

     In March 2017 Dameon Lovell pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in exchange for a 25 year to life prison sentence.

     On June 8, 2017, a jury in Brooklyn, New York found Alisha Noel-Murray guilty of first-degree murder. Dameon Lovell's testimony helped convict her. A week later a separate jury found Kirk Portious, the hit man, guilty of the same offense.

     The judge, in July 2017, sentenced Noel-Murray and her hit man to life in prison without the possibility of parole.


  1. Then if the police knw all this why them dnt lock up Alisha yet

    1. Good question. Perhaps detectives are investigating the insurance angle and gathering more evidence before they make an arrest. Then maybe not. I don't know.

    2. Because if it not true they cant do nothing, you cant lock up someone just becsuse of talk, SHE DIDNT DO IT!!!!

    3. She did do it... I know one of the men personally and know for a fact she knows him...

    4. She was arrested in December 2015 with out bail. She is currently awaiting trial for 1st degree murder.

    5. He knew it was going to happen before it happen. He told people if anything happens to me my wife did it

  2. She should be buried alive in the same grave that omer buried so she feels how it feel

  3. She should be buried alive in the same grave that omer buried so she feels how it feel

  4. She did have the most to gain. But, what if this young man knew the family had some money and wanted to rob the guy. When something went wrong and he got caught, he decides to implicate the wife in order to make some kind of deal with law enforcement that might lessen his sentence?

  5. They arrested her in December 2015. She was arraigned on February 5th 2016. Trail will begin in April 2016.

  6. No she don't start trial in April right abt now they holding her with no proof at all they going by what they saying against her so she don't start trial they can't start trial against her they have nothing on her so pls don't believe the hype she's innocent

    1. She's not innocent.... I guess you've been in contact with the DA right?!

    2. How can i contact the DA?

  7. How can i contact the DA alishia is not innocent

    1. Supreme Court. And ask for the DA who's trying the case.

  8. Go down to the Supreme Court and ask which DA is working on the case. And speak to that person
